fannish squee, SPN & Heroes

Oct 16, 2007 12:31

SPN: Things no one has mentioned:

1. Demon chick? Cool, yes, and being a demon and probably having her own agenda saves her from Mary-Sue-dom very nicely. She is *not* helping Sam from the kindness of her heart or for the cuteness of his abs. So why is she?

2. Does anyone think that all of Mary's relatives were killed off because the Yellow-Eyed Demon was one of their own? She recognized him when he was in Sam's room in that one dream/memory-- and supposedly Sam and Dean's uncle is dead. What if he wasn't? What if he was host to the YED?

3. Sam? Remember that thing where demons possess people? Remember how it's your job to, you know, exorcise them? I know you think demon chick is going to help you get rid of the one that has a lien on Dean's soul, but isn't this, possibly, a very slippery slope, wherein whoever the blonde girl being possessed is, deserves better? Do you think maybe you're doing something that Dean would just so kick your ass for, in not Christo'ing her to heck and gone? (Yeah, like that would happen, but I see Bad Things coming because he didn't even consider it.) Think maybe just getting you to cooperate her might be her goal, in and of itself? .... Bueller?

4. I don't want Dean to be Ben's daddy, because this ep was so utterly, totally perfect, and I don't want it ruined with a reappearance and a strain on the concept. And if Lisa has a type, then I guess it makes sense that whoever Ben's dad was, he's very similar to Dean. However. Blood test?? With neither father around, available? The hell? Did she just know both guys' blood types, and Ben's is the one that's not compatible with Dean's? SPN, you can do better than that. Anyway, adored and loved mini-Dean and Big Dean, and how much Dean bonded with the kid. Jensen continues to be damn adorable with kids.


1. Still waiting to see the point of West. If he turns out to be stalking Claire to get close to or thwart her dad, I'll be happier. Because despite some of the cuteness between him and Claire this week, I still find him lacking in charm and a huge jerk. And that way, there's a chance they'll wise up and let him die tragically and give Claire a more fun boyfriend. (I still miss Zack, even if they were more BFF's than boyfriend/girlfriend.) But give Claire credit on coming up with a good lie and selling it to her dad. She may get that from the Petrelli genes, but let's face it, she was raised by a guy who gives poker face a whole new meaning.

2. Okay, waaaaay coincidental bit with Sylar meeting the Wonder Twins, but, I'll let it go 'cause it made the whole storyline immediately more intense and cool. And yay Alejandro for not buying into Sylar immediately. And ohmigod, I think that *was* Claire's car. Heheheh. Too funny. Although poor Derek. Don't smoke and drive or you'll get in a car with three serial killers, people. And Maya? Stop trusting strangers so easily!

3. Loved all the Nathan bits, but especially the ones with his kids. Poor Monty. Poor Simon. I think Nathan must have lost it and thrown things at mirrors and scared the crap out of Heidi at some point, if there's a restrictive custody/visiting order on him.

4. I KNEW IT! I KNEW THE BABY WASN'T MATT'S! Ahem. Sorry. That's the only way I could see him moving to another coast, even if he and Janice were divorcing. He'd still want to be near his kid... unless said kid had another babydaddy and didn't need him.

5. Loved the bits with Angela and Matt; intensely cool. I think she's looking on this as protective custody, since it *will* be harder to get to her in prison, plus she'll be monitored more often. Give her credit for biting the bullet. Which led into the even more fun bits with Nathan and Matt, even though it stretched credibility when Matt started confiding in him -- but which I could see in a 'turnabout is fair play' way. "Hey, I know about your Mom's thing with Nakamura, and your messy divorce and your brother being MIA. Sorry, here's why I got divorced. Now our mutual discomfort and humiliation is complete."

6. Micah is the coolest kid ever, best house-guest ever. Heh. I love his interactions with both his cousins. And yay, Nichelle Nichols-- who didn't get to do much this week, but was still very cool. I like Monica a *lot*, love her superpower, and I really am hoping that she can make use of it without getting into trouble, a la Claire and others.

6. Molly & Mohinder & Matt and awesomeness and his *dad* and how could they *do* that to us? Bastards. God, this'll kill Matt if Molly stays hurt. Poor thing! *hugs her* I have evil fic ideas that Celli gave me, curse her. This ep didn't help with that, either.

Didn't see Chuck, but liked Journeyman. Still fun to watch, if I don't think too hard.
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