Interviews, yes!

Aug 01, 2007 16:55

*hugs f-list for good wishes* Thanks, guys. It's appreciated.

Both interviews went well. I didn't freeze up or choke during either, there were no questions I couldn't answer, and both of them sound like they'd actually be a good fit for me (in comparison to my last interview). One is more environmentally oriented, one more remediation; one wants more technical writing, the other more GIS. So I'd be happy if either one decided they wanted to hire me. I wouldn't be thrilled about the 80-minute commute for one of them, but, for a few months until I could re-locate, that's still do-able.

I should hear back on one of them really soon; the other one might be a week or more. Keep a good thought. And there's another opening with a different job recruiter that I have to interview for real soon too. At least calling every firm in the phone books is paying off.
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