Doctor Who Finale reaction

Jun 30, 2007 20:03

Um? Welllll...
Logic used to convince people I was in chat with, that Jack =/= the Face of Boe.

I don't know Boe. Boe doesn't know me.
I know Jack! You know Jack!
Therefore, Boe =/= Jack.

It makes sense if you want it to.

Also, if the Doctor can torpedo Harriet's three successful terms as PM of Great Britain with a few well-placed words, then I refuse to contemplate Jack getting older and older and just turning into a big face in a jar as a done deal.

As for the rest of it-- DW continues its what, 40-year trend? Of not letting the Doctor kill anyone. Or letting any Companion who wasn't already a killer/hunter/assassin kill someone. I mean, I'm all for Lucy shooting the Master, she probably had even more reason than Tish and Martha's parents, or Martha, or even Jack. But. I see a cop-out here. Heck, the Master saw a cop-out, and left in a flash of acrimony and glee, as is completely fitting. He's nuts. For the sake of getting the last word, I can see him letting himself die. .... kind of. But it leaves room for them to bring him back, you just watch.

Also 'think Doctor and he suddenly de-ages'! Um. What did I miss, that a telepathic field can suddenly be two-way, and can suddenly do something *completely* unconnected to the broadcast to make the Doctor okay again?

And seriously. It was Jack busting the Paradox Machine that fixed everything, did no one notice that the Doctor didn't do anything but forgive the Master?

Not that I hated the ep. Please don't think that. I think Martha did great, wandering all over the Earth for a year, being bard and secret agent and lone survivor. And I both loved watching the Master and hated him. And Jack was Jack, 'nough said.

I want Martha & Jack fic. Or Martha/Jack fic. Not picky.

I liked it, but two things are way unresolved:

1) Toklafane still stuck at the end of the universe cannibalizing each other in the worst case scenario of the human race, ack. Totally possible they can come back. (And didn't we already see this with the next upgrade of Daleks?)

2) Who the heck was picking that ring out of the ashes? I've seen two good theories, that it's Romana, or that it's a regenerated Master. And I wonder if it was Lucy. And I wonder when that'll come back to shoot everyone in the head.

And I adored Martha's good-bye. I just did. *hugs her to death*

I called the Titanic the same instant the rest of you did. Oy.

I do like this show. I just want really great fic from you guys, to repair the gaping plot holes and the whole 9 months we gotta wait for the next one, and for Torchwood.
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