Jan 27, 2005 20:16
Post a memory you have of me in the comments.
It can be anything you want.
Then post this in your journal and see what people remember of you.
wow well first of all I am super sad and frustrated because I just got off the phone with Missy, and she wont take off work to go to chrysalis-if you dont know what is going on with her, basically she is just running from God and something needs to happen to wake her up. I cant do this its up to God i just..ahhhh she used to be my best friend and now we dont even talk and her life is horrible...
Dude guys- just a quick story-i realized again yesterday how so not in control i am- i was walkin to 3rd mod and all of a sudden i just felt like i was gonna pass out- i couldnt walk straight and everything was spinning- seriously it was so scary! ive never felt like that- i ended up going home but i had this feeling like at any minute i could just fall over-which was like wow i cant even control myself and what I do...im fine i dont know what was wrong with me..but..im trying to find good in it, which is this- "God was like calm down its all me- not you- you have no control over what happens I do" so im fine but yea thats my story!!!!
love ya guys
so i didnt go to school today and spent the past 8 hours doin chrysalis stuff! yay
but now im really just waiting God to save my friend..please pray for her guys