Oh my goodness. I just got back from Canada yesterday and it was absolutely amazing.
Let me make a list for my own personal reference..if you don't understand some of what I say ask me and I'll be happy to share.
In chronological order:
1. Kara dressing George in my scarf
2. Girl Talk on the bus and Dracula. ick!
3. Singing randomnly on the bus
4. Putting signs on the door of our room- "Canadian Peep hole" "Candaian door knob"
5. Jane Bond on the beds in our hotel room
6. Kelly and the curtains
7. Kelly flooding the bathroom
8. Asking Martin to translate something in a French magazine "My orgasm is stronger than yours"
9. Sitting with George and Micera and laughing at the same magazine
10. Talking about the rules of nudist beaches with George
11. The orgasmic shower pressure in Le Concorde
12. Breakfast at Le Concorde!!!
13. Chuck crying about the French losing the battle to the English "They attacked on Sunday...Who does that?"
14. The Citadel- "Je me souviens, oui oui!"
15. The ride across the St. Lawerence and George "Getting off"
16. The furniculaire- incline elevator
17. Shopping in old Quebec!!!
18. Flirting with Jacque.
18. Running into Chuck on the street and worrying that he was one of the "vultures" he had warned us about.
19. Laughing at the ugly dogs.
20. Concert in the small church. "You were the voice of God for us tonight." Mrs. Adamovitch crying.
21. Walking around the streets of Quebec with Miss Adamovitch, Kelly and Alyssa searching for icecream. Singing and dancing. Having lots of fun.
22. Being hit on my guy a guy in a passing limo "Where you headed tonight ladies?!" It was soooo mine and Alyssa's sexy bodies he was after NOT Kelly's polka dot hat! I don't care what Martin said!
23. Trying to crash the party in the ballroom
24. Going to the rotating restaurant on top of our hotel and ordering coffee with Kelly. The view was spectacular. We weren't even late for curfew!
25. Staying up until 3am telling Mine and Alex's love story to Kelly as well as doing the whole girl talk thing.
26. Mass the next morning in French and having the choir sing "Gloria", Being presented with the plaque.
27. Singing "Ain't No Mountain High" at McDonald's and being mocked by some local guys. Erinn cursed at them. hehe
28. The waterfall. Sashaying down the path with Mr. Micera and Kelly A La The Wizard of Oz.
29. Mr. Miceras 5pph rule...5 puns per hour. We were never able to enforce it.
30. Christorama
31. The copper and the backstreet boys "It's tearing up my heart..."
32. Sing at St. Anne's Cathedral
33. Crying in St. Anne's Cathedral because of its beauty.
34. Mr. Micera causing the Monsignior to come out because of making the girls laugh.
35. The Hebrew wedding story along with Dick Wiener and Shithead on the steps in front of the Church. He is soooooo sacriligious.
36. Eating the maple butter on the bread...Yum!!!
37. Being interrupted in the Sugar Shack presentation by my beloved.
38. Mr. Micera in lumberjack garb.
39. Anthony and the beans
40. Playing Spoons, Do Si Do-ing, Dancing, Le Sole!!! "George is Gay!!!!"
41. Singing Happy Birthday to Mr. Micera.
42. More random singing
43. Trying to maneuver using the track-making planks
44. Dancing at the party we didn't have to crash
45. REAL Candian Geese and their accent
46. Getting up at 6am to go in the hot tub.
47. More Heavenly breakfast
48. The dumb tour guide in Montreal
49. "The world's largest record player"
50. Montreal's "Make-out spot"
51. "Le polution de Montreal"
52. Chatting with George about Paris and tourism
53. Making fun of the tour guide and the metro
54. Losing Mr. Micera and George...hearing Chuck and tour guide cursing in French very angrily.
55. Falling asleep in the hotel room and making everyone think I was missing.
56. Chatting with Kelly McAuliffe and Michelle St. at dinner. AND that great celery soup. hehe
57. Having fun with the dryer in the bathroom of the restaurant.
58. Playing Laser-Tag
59. Riding the Himilaya ride
60. Playing pool and losing utterly to Chuck
61. Watching a Sci-fi moving and french and "translating" the words into English "I have...pubic lice. my baby will die!"
62. Sleeping on that scumptious bed in the Hyatt
63. More good breakfast at the Hyatt
64. FINALLY saying goodbye to Chuck who wasn't any fun after Micera and George got lost.
65. Shopping with no money in the Montreal Underground. I so have to go back!
66. Getting stuck at customs and telling the customs officers that Erinn was sick
67. Foot, Foot Foot, and Foot Foot Foot. Chinese supplies, Pink Polka Dot Ping Pong Balls, Bad jokes galore
68. Micera's mom.
69. Sleeping with Micera's jacket as a blanket. lol He smells so good.
70. Chatting with George about Theatre
71. Getting Home
72. Remembering everything that happened
Quebec city was amazing. I so want to move there instead of England. I'm definitely going to learn French. The Canada trip was easily one of the best experiences of my life. Thank you so much for everyone who went. It was amazing!!!!!!!!!!!