I finally got my math grade.....a C, which is exactly what I needed to graduate. So that makes my report card look something like this:
Personality Psych: B
Behavior Mod: B
Discrete Math: C
Animal Learning: A
Thesis 1: A
Thesis 2: A
Semester G.P.A.: 3.333
Final G.P.A.: 3.320 which I have to say isn't bad
And now I get to look for a real job.....I had trouble finding a fake one, so this is gonna depress me. *Loads up on the one antidepressant that is hard to OD on and/or have insurance run-ins with - chocolate*
Indy was great. Jeff and I got lost a few times (damn the crappily labeled street signs), but Margaret Cho was a RIOT (I was in tears laughing so hard) and the spending the next day at PKI was fantabulous as well. (Hey, theoretically PKI is on the way back.)
After a day of crashing from running around the Midwest, Jeff manages to drag my butt to church to meet his pastor (and convince him to marry us, which wasn't hard), attend a wedding shower for his mom and Eddie, pick up our engagement photos from JCPenny, chill and work on a website
whose link is right here. (Nothing against churches, everything against mornings out of bed.) But it was definitely worth it...of course I would say that spending anytime with Jeff is worth it, especially since we're not a floor or a nudge away from each other anymore.
For those of you who saw the last episode of Everybody Loves Raymond (*tear*), I've noticed more and more that Marie is my mother (from the perspective of Deborah)! I'm sad to see the show go; not only was is a great show to watch, but it was useful in certain threats against my mom ("I'll have 5 bazillion kids and live right next door.") *Le sigh*
I better get going back onto my job search so it looks like I've been productive. Ciao!