so, posting that horoscope about Steve Jobs must of been a good luck charm.
i am now a "mac specialist" at the
apple retail store at
millenia mall....
i am still working with hard rock, however, i knew that we would be coming into "off season" in the next few weeks, so i wanted to find something extra... i did not expect to find that something extra so soon. but two weeks ago i walked into the retail store with my friend who is a manager of the hagen-daz at the millenia mall, and he introduced me to one of the store managers, and they just happened to be hiring. two short interviews and a background check later i am hired. this whole process only started two weeks ago.
today, i had to be at the apple store at 8am ........ we don't open until 10am but there was a meeting.
tonight i am working at the cafe in our new "art bar" serving people who have tickets to this show:
the gigantour featuring megadeath. it should be interesting to say the least.... i am kind of glad in a way that i don't have to tell with "tables" tonight... this will be my first experience working in the "art bar" .... so i will be sure to report back.
must go grab a bite to eat, before the night begins.