Title: Light Almost gone
sidlechick87Rating: k+ NO smut... but alcohol
Pairing: GSR
Disclaimer: I do not own. IF I did... 807 would be WAYYY different.
Summery: Sara's nearing the end. What happens when she comes home drunk. Grissom's thoughts. NOT a fluffy fic. It's a tiny drabble.
A/N: HUGE thank you to
gabesaunt for the very quick beta. I have a smutter fic coming later tonight.
Gil couldn’t remember when he first noticed Sara was really going down hill. He was sure he knew why, he just couldn’t really remember the exact moment she’d hit that wall, or if she even had yet.
Until now, as he watched her passed out next to him. He was worried. No, worry was too light, he was scared. Scared for his lover, his wife and scared for them.
After Natalie, it was almost as if that light went out a little, dimming slightly. Sara wasn’t completely Sara, but that didn’t mean he loved her less, he just needed to be there for her. He’d wait and be her rock as best he could. Even when she took a beating on herself.
She came home drunk that night.
Gil was sitting on the couch, thumbing through a book when the noise sounded at the door.
He waited for Sara to open it, waiting to hear that ‘click’. But it never came.
Gil stood, making his way to where the sounds were coming from and opened the door.
He was shocked to find a red faced Sara blinking up at him as she reeked of stale beer, her eyes full of tears. Light almost gone.
He guided her to the bed not sure if he was disappointed that she’d let go again or relieved that she was now safe with him.
Setting her down, he watched her as she blinked, distant.
“I couldn’t handle it anymore… I keep seeing her, seeing what happened.” Sara absent mind idly pointed at her head.
He watched her as she looked down at her hands. “Rest Sara, we’ll deal with this tomorrow.” He assured her but he knew it was she that needs to work on it. It had little to do with him.