Title: Part 2 - As The Sun Rises
Rating: 15
Characters/Pairings: Team; Jack/Ianto
Spoilers: S1, 2x01
Warnings: Mild violence; M/M relations; Angst
Summary: The 'day after' begins and Ianto has to face what happened...
The 'And So It Begins... Again' Saga ]
Disclaimer: Torchwood belongs to Russel T. Davies ftw - I'm just having a play
Once upstairs, he dropped heavily onto the sofa and buried his head in his hands before taking another sharp breath in as his wrists gave another two twinges. )
Comments 23
Nah, just kidding. I liked this start of your second instalment very much. The last part left quite an emotional legacy so it's just good and proper that you'll let everyone deal with this now.
It was originally just a one part fic, but when someone asked whetehr I'd continue, the whole series idea grww =]
And that last part had me laughing so hard a few tears came out! One of my co-workers did that the other day. She's still embarassed about it and won't sit in the break room anymore! ;D
Thanks for that laugh! And I can't wait for more of this!
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