Long, long, long time no speak.
To cut a lengthy and rather tedious story short, I'll just say that the past few months have been rather rocky on many levels, but I'm learning to deal with the fact that my life is less than shiny. At least I'm alive and kicking, I can deal with everything else! (Mostly by superb diversionary tactics)
I have now
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YAY for BSG - but Buffy...still Buffy is my fav of all time. So much good in that show. But, to each their own :)
Hope you enjoy a nice summer break :)
BSG, LOVE IT, and I do still really like Buffy, I think I just watched too much in too short a space of time! I think I overdosed on it a little =P and I was watching it just after I blitzed BSG S4, so I was still in sci-fi mode when I switched to vampires. Hopefully I'll get the groove back in the summer though!
LOVED BSG - although I have to admit on the first viewing I was really unhappy with the final few episodes. As for Buffy, even in retrospect there were elements of season 6 there were really not up to par - and some from season 4 as well - altho season 4 had some really great stand alone episodes (The Thanksgiving one comes to mind LOl) - and yeah I can see going from BSG to Buffy would be a bit of a shock LOL.
I think my issue with Buffy is JUST series 6 atm, as at least half the series has been focusses purely on who's sleeping with who and there doesn't seem to be much in the way of substantial plot! I'm quite a fan of the formulaic 'one problem per episode with some back story running through and hints to a BIG BAD at the end of the series' and 6 doesn't quite seem to have the balance right =[
ahhh, have you seen ALL of season 6? Because once you have, it does make sense, what's going on... - there is a back story - just not the normal kind. It's different than all the rest.
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