all you brains belong to us --- Cynthia

Apr 16, 2007 19:48

So yeah, here is my attempt to keep up with my life and stuff.

Got up at 8:30. Went to classes on and off until 2:00. Sketched for about an hour before going to North campus with Cyn to sign our lease for off-campus housing next year. It was a big mess and really frustrating for about 45 minutes, before it all got cleared up and we finally signed some papers. Basically, housing administration sucks and leases are a pain in the butt. But we have housing for next least until Dec. 31st.

Came back onto campus. Sat around trying to study for Bio for about 50 minutes, falling asleep on and off, before going to a GRE/Kaplan talk our pre-vet club arranged at 6:00. Thought it was be about 30 minutes long. Lasted until 7:00. I am so screwed for vet school.

Eating now. Tired. Have to study for Bio, write my proposal for summer internship, and finish EJ's present.

Personal goal for the future: Write more eloquently lest my prose regress even further than it already has.

Oh right, meme from bellsandblades. I got S.

Leave a comment and I'll give you a letter. Then you list 10 things you like starting with that letter. Post them in your journal and give out new letters to your commenters in turn.

1. Shotze: My old German Sheperd. I miss her.

2. Sadie: My fat bunny who's chewed everything from my clothes to my PS2 cords (thankfully they're still safe and functional).

3. Sephiroth: Yeah, I'm a gaming nerd, and biase towards FFVII. But there are no words for this man. None. Or maybe that's just me being tired and lazy. :P

4. Swords: Yamamoto Takeshi from Reborn. Cloud in FFVII:AC. FFXIII:Versus trailer. 'nuff said.

5. Sirius Black: Loved him in the third book. Fandom, when done right, made me love him more. Then he died. ;_; And Harry's stupid.

6. Sleeping: I don't do enough of it, therefore when I do, it is precious.

7. Snow: As long as it's not yellow or dirtied by cars and stuff. Otherwise, it's very pretty and fun. ^^

8. Sandman: Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean are gods. 'nuff said.

9. Sora: Because I am a gaming nerd, because Sora and Riku are cute/angst, and because the Kingdom Hearts series is a beautiful game, even if it is Disney. Now if only I could kill that stupid Ice Titan, and the stupid desert monster, and the stupid clock monster, and...

10. Silk Soymilk: The coffee flavor is actually amazing. Like a frappicino, without all the leftover ice.

I go work now. Urgh.


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