(no subject)

Sep 30, 2005 08:09

Should be working on an English paper, but it's a library day, who the hell does hw on a library day?!

Alright, so i've realized that any guy i've hooked up with lately is just a random POS guy. I need to stop hooking up with random people, even if it means i'm guy less for months. Who thinks I can do it? Haha.

Djona is coming home in November and I can't express how happy I am. Sure, it's only a visit, FOLLOWED BY ANOTHER IN DECEMBER, and then she's hopefully moving home in JANUARY...but still. I swear, it's sick how she can give me great news like that and turn my frown upside down in seconds.

Last night blew hardcore. I was all ready to go clubbing when guess what! Yeah, Krystyl ended up not wanting to drive nd she fell asleep at 10. Our retarded neighbors kept coming over while she was asleep too...fucking Tyler is an idiot.

Sugar we're goin down screamin...

I can't wait till I leave for Houston today...see this is my schedule of the day..Library till 8:40. Spanish lap till 9:30. Go home, finish loading shit in my car, call work and see if they actually need me. (If they say they need me, i'm going to be unbelievably pissed off)If they don't need me, i'm off to Houston early in the morninggggg! Which means, if my plans go right...i'll be in Houston by..3:30. My parents are gonna have a heart attack. First, i'll stop by the store..then I'll go by Olive Garden to see all my lovers! Ugh, I missed them so much. I'm hanging out with Peter tonight which is pretty great, he finally got fired from OG. Supposedly he's a model now though. Heh. Whatever makes him happy...it's funny how he thinks he's such a hardass though. Whatever.

Jayme is going to be in town while i'm there, i'm happy. It'll be like back in the old days when she comes over for hours off end on a Saturday night and we just chill in my room.

Carolyn and I are going out tonight. Her and I have gotten really close lately. Her visit was freaking insane...good times, good times.

I really hope I get to see Ashley while i'm in Houston. I haven't seen or heard from her since I left for college, and i've gone home a lot already.

Next weekend i'm going to Austin to say goodbye to Jason Epstein...It's gonna be super sad...*sigh*

Then the weekend of October 22nd i'm going back to Houston for Homecoming/Jesus's birthday. Speaking of which, I get to see Jesus this weekend too!

So, Jason and I...he's trying to play games with me still. He pulls the "my grades aren't high enough to be in a relationship" card. Funny thing is, I don't like him, and want nothing to do with him. I mean seriously, come on now.

I really can't wait till I get home. Just to hop in my bed..I really haven't had a decent nights sleep in SO long...my bed is the most comfortable thing in the world..ask anyone who has ever slept in it...Tonight, I will sleep...and it will be amazing.

Kris and I seem to not even be friends anymore. I'm not sure if I even care. The minute I left Houston for college he gave up on me. We talked for like, a week, and then it all ended. No phone calls, nothing. Back home he'd call me like 4 times a day..One to say hey..another to see how I was doing...another to see what I was doing that night and if I wanted to chill..and the last one to check in and tell me he got home okay. He doesn't get that I still worry about him...I miss him. We used to have so much fun hanging out. We went a week without talking and I don't think he even realized it. Whatever, I guess we'll find out if we're really friends or not this weekend.

This has to be one of the longest posts i've had in a longggg time.

How are you kids doing? College has totally taken over our lives it seems.

Brandon, how is school going? Do you even read this? Probably not.

Jess, how is UNT treating you?

Heather, I miss you..I'll be in Austin next weekend, do you want to play with me while i'm there?

Mego, where are you?? How are you?? lol.

Okay kids, peace out. It's 8:30..in 10 minutes i'm outa here...which means i'm getting closer and closer to leaving for Houston...Oh and RACHEL will be in town which means I get to see her and her boyfriend!

YAYYYYYYYYY FOR HOUSTON. (I know, it's crazy hearing me of all people be so happy to go to Houston)
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