OK, I totally ship Helen and Nikola 100% now. No denying it. And it's not exactly non-canon. Well, in Tesla's mind anyway... LOL
This episode was full of awesome. I admit, I may be biased because I absolutely love Nikola, even when he's the villain. However, this episode was great regardless. We get into some of the storyline behind the Vampire Race, Tesla gets his Vampire Powers back AND keeps his Electricity Powers, Helen kicks some major butt and then blows up the Queen of the Vampires, the worried Helen scenes, Tesla's sarcastic comments, the whole TeslaxHelen of it all. I hate Vampires and yet, I was totally invested in the Vampire legend in the Sanctuary Universe.
And I totally loved the "Hi!" "Hi..." scene. I don't know why, I thought it was just cute.
I didn't really like the side story with Kate thrown in, though. It felt forced and disconnected. If it was an episode by itself, it may have been good. However, I didn't understand anything that was going on. Henry was MIA, Will was barely in it and Kate was just there to Angst and be a Stereotyped Bad Ass. The whole back story thing was lost in translation somehow because I didn't understand or know where anything in the plot was coming from. And 90% of the time, it was just Will saying what will happen/was happening. Besides, when did the Sanctuary network have it's own Police force? Did they just forget to mention this before or did they just make one up since the last episode? Are we to believe they called in the normal police and told them to just forget the weird creatures they've seen? Come on. This entirely side plot could have been dropped and no one would have noticed.