Controversy on The Last Airbender (And, why I am sick of all the race controversies)

Jun 29, 2010 12:51

Nothing annoys me more then when someone comes along and tells me I shouldn’t like a movie because of something in it they don’t agree with. In The Golden Compass and Angels and Demons, it was because it was Anti-Christian. In The Princess and The Frog, it was because the lead African American female was “too stereotypically black”. In The Blind Side, it was because it was promoting white supremacy. And now, it’s Avatar: The Last Airbender. Why? Because the actors aren’t Asian.

Now, I can see why people would get a little peeved. After all, you want the characters to look similar to their original counterparts. This isn’t a book where you can guess what they looked like, this was a cartoon where you can SEE what they looked like. And in that regards, I can totally understand. After all, if you love something, you want to see it portrayed perfectly into real life.

But, The Last Airbender haters take it one step further. They try to “boycot” the film. Not only do they try to do that, but they degrade the film simply based on the race of the main characters.

But let me quote one person:
“Do not see this film. Do not pay to see this film. Do not give this production any of your hard earned money, be it through ticket sales, merchandise, or the eventual DVD sales. And here is why:

All of the principal cast members are White.”

Is this fair at all? Because 3 of the 4 main characters are white you should not see this movie, despite if you love the characters and the storyline. You should not enjoy this movie should you happen to see it because the main characters are not Asian. Oh, and not only that but this person goes on, “If you pay for this movie, knowing full well why its cast and its production are racist and problematic, then you are actively, in good conscience, supporting institutionalized racism. Period.” Really? REALLY?

First of all, this is a children’s movie. Despite the fact that a lot of the fans are older teens, if not adults, this is A MOVIE FOR CHILDREN. So, what you’re saying is all those children out there who drag their parents to let them see a movie about children with magical powers are racist? Children who probably too young to even realize what racism really is, let alone experience it, are now all racist because they want to see a children’s movie. That’s right kid. It doesn’t matter if you’re six years old, your a horrible, horrible racist. Do you see how absolutely ridiculous this sounds?

Should I personally be called a bigot because I don't care the race of the character in the movie? Because I care more about the about the storyline and the character's personality? Should I really be branded a horrible racist because of it? Isn't that in itself just hate and ignorance of a different kind?

I’m sick of people putting controversy on anything they can get their hands on. Video Games, Movies, TV Shows, Names of Football Teams, Businesses. You name it, there’s someone somewhere stirring up controversy. I can see why people do it, though. When you have something you want to bring up, there’s no better way then stick it with a big blockbuster movie. That way, the news, the internet and everyone else around you can get in and back you up without you having to put the effort to get your story out there. I understand. I may not understand your ideals, but I understand the concept. There’s no better way to sell your product them to have it stuck on another high-selling product. Advertising companies have been doing it for years.

But, when you decide that I am a racist. When you decide that I am a horrible human being because I want to see a movie purely for it’s entertainment value. When you’ve decided that you are above me and you can deem me whatever title you want simply because you have a different view then me. When you’re forcing your hate and anger onto me, a person that has nothing to do with whatever you are promoting. Then aren’t you no different from the racists you say you are against? Aren’t you simply just promoting hate and ignorance hidden by good intentions? And, isn’t that worse?

If you want to be angry about the lack of Asian actors in Hollywood, then go for it. Send the companies letters. Go to the films that DO have Asian actors. Promote those films. Get others to do the same. Support more ideas that would welcome Asian actors. Do something to make it better and I’d be behind you 100%.

But don’t assume I will follow your ideals after you’ve called me a racist. Don’t assume that anyone will follow you, even if you are good intentioned, because you’ve simply deemed something not up to your standards. If you don’t like it, that’s entirely fine and none of my business. If I like it because I like a good storyline, that’s none of your business either. But don’t promote hate and ignorance to further your own cause at my expense.

[movies], ranting

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