Mar 19, 2007 10:55
Even though we didn't really have a very cold winter, we had a gray sky for weeks. Gray skies, rain and hardly any sunlight. I don't do well without sunlight...
Then finally we had beautiful weather last week. Sunday was nice and sunny, but the wind was too strong to sit outside without a sweater still. Then monday... So nice and warm. All the tiredness from winter blown away with one sunny day!
After that it started to get worse again, but not so much to get worried about.
Now this morning it has been raining all morning. I like to have warm milk in my coffee, so i put my cup in the microwave and look outside at the rain. I set the timer on 20 seconds and tell a friend how much i would like it to stop raining, because i have to go out in a few minutes. I take my cup out of the microwave, look outside and it's snowing! Big flakes. Last week i was sitting almost naked on my balcony and now it's snowing again!
That's it, i'm moving to a warmer country!