My poor LJ!! I haven't forgotten about you. Ok, um, I did, but I have a good dog ate my computer...would you buy that? Ok, so I don't really have a good excuse. I've just been busy with other things. I let my Chris Jericho fan site go. After 2 years, it was time for a change...I needed it badly. I now have a personal site for my fan fiction and my graphics. It's
Fushia Butterfly. I actually had this site way before I started the Jericho site and I let it go to do that site, but after many, many requests, I brought it back. It's got all of my fan award-winning fan fiction and all of my graphics there...even the bad If anyone is using any of my LJ headers, banners and icons, please review my revised Graphics Usage and Info page. I reckon that's it. So I guess this was just a check-in and cheap plug. :-)