All items accepted! (Except those that cannot be shipped internationally, like perfume)
Including clearance and sales items! Make it a quick spree!!
(+14/-0) Terms and Conditions:
1) Only paid orders will be accepted. Pls pay within 12hrs of posting order or your comment will be deleted.
2) All refunds will be made at the end of the spree when items arrive, even if your order is OOS. I'm sorry if it's inconvenient but it's so that I won't be confused.
3) I'll not be responsible if merchant ships wrong item or misses out any item althought I'll double double + triple check all the orders!
4) Pls opt for registered mail if you are afriad that your items will be lost in mail. I'll not be responsible for lost local mail.
5) Pls enjoy the spree or else! :)
Website we are ordering from:
Spree Closing On:
22/4/08 12pm (most prob won't be extended as I want a fast spree)
Shipping and Distribution:
International shipping to be shared by price of items among spree-ers, not weight (more convenient this way).
Local postage or Self-collection at my place near Lakeside MRT (note that it's not AT the MRT, you have to come up to my place k?)
Local postage to be calculated when items arrive. If you are opting for self-collection, there is no need to pay handling or postage)
Handling fees $0.50 to be collected for envelopes etc.
Exchange Rate:
1USD = 1.42 SGD
1st Payment: Total price of items in USD * 1.42 + Initial shipping of $3/item
(no matter how small your item is. I'll refund any excess after the spree. Anyway, since shipping is based on price, not weight, even if you are ordering 1 small ring, shipping is still counted as 1 unit first and refund later)
2nd payment: local postages to be calculated
Transfer to:
POSB Savings acc 126-80419-9
Order Format:
Name & LJ Nick:
Email: (no email = no updates)
Banking account: (in case for refunds)
(Pls post as differ(ent items if ordering more than 1 of the same)
Item Name:
Size & Colour:
Alt: (try to fill in if you are choosing from Clearance as items go OOS very fast ^ ^)
Item Name:
Size & Colour:
Alt: (try to fill in if you are choosing from Clearance as items go OOS very fast ^ ^)
Total Amt to be transferred: Total price in USD * 1.42 + $3*number of items =
Transaction ID:
IB Nick:
Transaction time: (For ATM transfers only)
Transfered amt in SGD: