Nov 06, 2005 22:21
shit son. its been a LONG ASSSSS time
sorry to all you people who acually look at this from time to time. ive been lazy as hell and more than a little apathetic. but a jewel of knowledge i can bestow upon you all today is as follows:
so for the LONGEST time they couldnt figure out where all the grizzly bears in yellowstone were going after july. then in the 80's a pilot saw a few above the treeline in the rockies. and hes like WTF??? grizzlies go where theres food. aint no food here. so they do some research and guess what? they were stocking up on food for the winter, when they hibernate and all that shit. but guess what they were eating? i bet you cant.
yeah thats right.
i wish i were cool enough to live in yellowstone and eat moths.