Jun 11, 2004 00:08
I am sure I am not alone in this thought, but Vin Diesel just presented on the Movie Awards, that guy just gets hotter every time I see him. Can't wait for his new movie, half dressed Vin wondering around kicking some ass. I could go on, but I will save that for another day. There are more hot guys I can rant about it, but once again I will save that. Kate Beckensel's hair is way to puffy, lay off the mousse, but she was really good in Van Helsen. Colin Ferrel another hottie. Okay seriously I am done. I don't understand how Lindsy Lohan?? got to host the awards, it almost makes it not worth watching. Well once again I screwed up at work, again!! I swear one day my boss will just get pissed off enough and just fire me. I am surprised that I have not been fired yet.I am sure this will be a very common topic in my journal. I seem to screw up at work at least two times a week and freak out about getting fired. Other than that my day was pretty much not interesting, so you are probably wondering why in the hell I am still typing this. Come to think of it I don't know either.