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kohoho May 16 2012, 00:53:44 UTC
(Nick)name: Koho / Julia
Country: Germany
Kpop (incl. biases): Shinhwa (Hyesung ♥), U-Kiss (Soohyun, Kiseop, AJ), DBSK (Junsu), SS501 (Jungmin), B2ST (Dongwoon), Super Junior (Eunhyuk), miss A (Suzy) and some more I randomly listen to sometimes XD
Kdrama (incl. biases): Pasta, Dream High 1+2, Heartstrings - I so need to watch some more, but I can't decide which one x,.x XD
What can we find in your LJ (private/fan stuff etc) / how much do you post: you'll find random daily entrys of my life, I don't spazz much about my biased (because I think I can't spazz, but well XDD), sometimes memes or fanfictions (but I'm not posting this lately XD). at the moment I'm not updating so much, but I always try to write more (maybe when we finally moved out XD)
Other interests (can be fandoms or hobbies or anything else): Harry Potter, Pokemon, books ♥, knitting <3
What kind of friends are you looking for: peoples who have the same interests like me, who comment often enough. and with who I can write more because I'm so without friends at the moment ( ... )


butterfly8772 May 16 2012, 09:55:05 UTC
I'd love to be friends, we're already country Nachbarn, it's nice to have someone who lives almost as far away from Korea LOL

I love U-kiss and SS501. I would LOVE to know more about Shinwha - I love their music but I wouldn't be able to name a member to save my life. I suck - and you seem to be an expert so ... ;)

I want to watch Dream High (downloaded and on hard drive ... now all I need is time to watch) too. If you need more to watch I have a whole list for you ! :P


kohoho May 16 2012, 11:11:49 UTC
yay, friend me !! and yes, it's great to have friends who live closer to you than to Korea XDD

I'm again into U-Kiss after they released DoraDora XDD now I either listen to Shinhwa or U-Kiss XDDD SS501 should have a comeback soon, would be awesome with all three of them XDDD
I won't call me an expert, but okay~ XD and Shinhwa should save your life XD and I don't think it's sooo difficult to name them. I learnt them really fast (for my level of naming members right XD)

Dream High *-* I so need to download season2 til the end XD
and yes, give me a list XD I always start to search for a good new one but ended up not watching anything because I can't decide on one XDDD


butterfly8772 May 16 2012, 11:24:42 UTC
Added ! :D I'll add you on tumblr too (my username there is the same as here, very original)

I have another friend who lives in Sweden (carelessmemory), also too far from Korea !
I always want to whack Asian fans who complain their idol only comes to their country like once a year or so.

I love DoraDora !
I don't think the comeback of SS501 will be so soon (and they're 5 members, not 3 :p), not this year I think, but it should be good when they eventually do make their comeback !

I'm really bad with names. Any names, but Korea doesn't help with their names being all the same ! LOL

Anything special you like for kdrama ? Do you have a list of what you want to watch ? Maybe there's something on there I already watched and can tell you if I liked it or not.


kohoho May 16 2012, 11:47:36 UTC
Yay *-* and I followed you back XD

oh yes, it annoys me when I read things like that.. I was so happy when I was able to go to B2ST concert in Feb here XD and now I'm hoping for U-Kiss or Shinhwa tour here as well (but it's just a dream XDD)

I'm okay with SS501 not having a comeback this year as long as they're come back in the future XDD but it would be awesome if it would be this year T__T XD

Yep, that's why I can't remember ZE:A XDD I'm so bad with faces and names x,.x

I mostly like Highschool things.. or anything with cooking XDDD and no, I haven't a list, maybe I should go and make one XD


butterfly8772 May 16 2012, 11:59:15 UTC
Yay !! :D

Oh !!! More groups should do a European concert !! I'd love to go.
I have hopes for U-Kiss, they recently went to South America too.

Hahaa that's why I still don't know all the Suju members, there's like a 100 of them !!

Oh High School things. I don't think I watched too many of those, but you should try Shut Up Flower Boy Band (bonus: it has L from Infinite in it)


kohoho May 16 2012, 12:09:29 UTC
Yep. but then they shouldn't all go to Paris, because it's such an expensive place and meh, I don't want to drive so far for them XDD They should come to Cologne tho XDD that's quite closer to my hometown XDDD
and yes, I think U-Kiss would come here since they were in South America a few days ago XDD I would cry when they would come T_T XDD

oh yes.. SuJu.. my love helped me to learn them, but before I knew everyone I was like "aww no, I'm not interestes in you" XD but now I'm able to name them XDD but it's quite difficult, when there are so many members in a group XD Sometimes I learnt them fast but that's only because they look different XD but then, there are groups (like BAP XD) where they all look the same and then I get frustrated XDD

oh, this one was recommend by another friend as well, but I think I would go and watch "Flower Boy Ramyun Shop" first XDD (since I wanted to watch this one anyway XDDD)


butterfly8772 May 17 2012, 09:54:45 UTC
Oh I loved FBRS too !! Jung Il Woo ♥


kohoho May 17 2012, 10:30:55 UTC
okay~ then I have to watch it for sure :D


carelessmemory May 16 2012, 16:01:21 UTC
Harry Potter, books and knitting! Though I suck at knitting anything off a pattern because I'm left handed and my knitting is kind of special. :p Also, your whole kpop list I agree with. And Dream High is totally on my list to watch.

Friends ?


kohoho May 16 2012, 17:25:29 UTC
yay~ I just start learning to knit last year.. and I so suck with patterns.. when I try to make plushes and they start with the feet... I'm totally lost XDDD but I want to be better XD
yes, Dream High is a must !! XD

sure :DD


carelessmemory May 16 2012, 17:28:13 UTC
I learned to knit when I was young, while sitting in front of mum and watching her do it. Hee. Practice makes perfect ?
DH is SO on my list! It's a very loooong list. *g*

Adding you, yay!


kohoho May 16 2012, 17:32:53 UTC
I only learned it because my love started to crochet XD I didn't want to do that as well so she said I should start knitting XD and there I went and bought needles and some yarn, looked up for the CO and things like that on the internet XDD and at the beginning of the year I bought "Knitting Mochimochi" but I only knit one thing from that so far XDDD

woah, everyone has lists for Drama.. I should make one as well, I feel so lost and never can decide what I should watch XD

yay, will add you as well :D


carelessmemory May 16 2012, 17:45:50 UTC
Oh that's cool. :) You both have your own thing. You'll knit more!

I wouldn't be able to survive without lists, OMG. Seriously. I'm such a ditz sometimes. As soon I see someting I want to check out more closely I add it to list. Or I'd forget. :)


kohoho May 16 2012, 17:48:35 UTC
Yeah, hopefully :D

I started to make a list of every book I want to read.. I read really much a few years ago and I really want to read more again, that's why I write down every book with a good plot XD but every time I visit the book store I forget my list T_T XD


carelessmemory May 16 2012, 17:53:14 UTC

I'm the same. Got away from reading for a couple years but getting back to it again. Slowly. I have a long list on my online bookstore account. Mostly I order books because I live in a small-ish town and our bookstore doesn't carry so much in English. Which is the language I prefer to read in. Unless it's Swedish authors. You need to print your list and always carry with you! :)


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