Jul 14, 2005 22:48
My birthday party was on last Saturday, July 9. My family, Mario, and a few of my friends came over for my birthday party. I celebrated my birthday party with Tyler: my nephew. Tyler turned 4 on last Sunday, July 10. I had a great and fun birthday party. I got three music cds (two new cds and one old cd), a cordless phone with a caller id, four cd-rom games, and $50 in spending money.
My birthday is tommorrow (Friday), July 15 and I am going to turn 20. Mario is coming over to my home tommorrow to see me. I am going out with my dad: Alan, my stepmom: Stacy, and my brother: Shaun out to eat and going shopping. I get to pick out my own birthday presents when I go shopping tommorrow night. After I come back home from going out to eat and shopping, my friend:Kelsey is going to come and visit me at my home. Kelsey might hang out with me somewhere or at my home tommorrow night.
The day after my birthday on Saturday, July 16, I am going to go to a graduation party in the afternoon that is a hour away from my home. After that, I am going to sing karaoke at a bar called Banfields in Ann Arbor. Then I am going to spend the night at my grandma's.
On Sunday, July 17, I am going to leave my grandma's to go home in the afternoon. I have to work Sunday night, so I am going to work after I get home. After I get home, I am just going to stay home and rest.
Monday, July 18, I have an orthidentist appointment at 4:15p.m. I am not working on Monday next week (this day).