Angel: Thought about Wesley and Cordelia (I know, right?)

Sep 27, 2012 14:11

I just realized -- just realized -- that Wesley and Cordelia do the same thing in S3. They both... okay, it was years ago, but I'll go under spoiler cuts because... I feel like it. I'm sorta skimming over the Mark Watches Angel posts* and I just read the "Birthday" post and there were people kinda raging in the comments over how S4 turns Cordelia's choice into her being tricked by Skip and Jasmine and thus makes her not a hero.

And. It made me realize. That same damn thing happens to Wesley later in S3 with Holtz re: Connor. Both of Angel's longest term friends on the show were tricked in S3 and both of those tricks ended up playing a key role in bringing forth Jasmine.

Cordy and Wes both fall for it because they believe they can trust the overarching magical forces that are behind everything else -- Wesley trusts the prophecy and Cordelia trusts Skip because he's there in the name of TPTB. And they both get screwed over and screw over their friends and the world (for a while). Basically, they think that AtS works by Narnia's rules, that the Deep Magic is good. Which is an incorrect assumption.

So, was I the only person who hadn't already noticed this parallel?

* frequently not on the same page as Mark & most of his commentators when it comes to the show but it's kinda nice to see someone reacting all 'omg' to the plot twists

In unrelated news, crossposting isn't working right now.

tv: ats

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