I have a lot of Sherlock Holmes feelings. I hadn't watched any adaptations* until the RDJ movies came out, but I'd read the stories and I'd read meta about the stories.
I love the RDJ movies. I basically think of them as 'steampunk Holmes' and all the technology/science/'magic' goes into the "I don't even care if they got it right" pile. The characters felt like the characters, I loved the dynamic between them, and Mary was awesome**.
And that's the same place that Elementary hits me -- the characters and character dynamics work for me. They feel like Holmes and Watson. It's like a well-done AU where the characters still feel like the characters, with appropriate changes according to the world of the AU.
So, I'm finding the differing reactions to the Elementary pilot to be fascinating. It really does seem to be a love-it-or-hate-it show. I think this is the first time I've ever seen reactions this extreme to a pilot.
* with the exception of TV mini-arcs like Star Trek: Next Gen did with Data playing Holmes on the holodeck.
** Irene was more 'eh' to me. You know, I'm trying to think of a RDJ canon love interest that I'm into shipping with his characters and I can't think of any. I only seem to really like his subtextual stuff. Hmm. Maybe my lack of Tony/Pepper shipping is more about RDJ than about Paltrow. Brand new thought!
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