Meme: Character Patterns

Jan 25, 2011 10:15

Found on my flist:
List fifteen of your favorite characters from different fandoms, and ask people to spot patterns in your choices, and if they're so inclined, to draw conclusions about you based on the patterns they've spotted.

I forced myself to only pick one per fandom and I'm still leaving out some people that I really love in some smaller fandoms.

1. Benton Fraser (due South)

2. Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

3. Daniel Jackson (Stargate: SG-1)

4. Debra Morgan (Dexter)

5. Elena Gilbert (The Vampire Diaries)

6. Gwen Cooper (Torchwood)

7. Lois Lane (Smallville; DC comics; Lois and Clark)

8. Rose Tyler (Doctor Who)

9. Sarah Connor (Terminator movies; Sarah Connor Chronicles)

10. Sierra aka Priya (Dollhouse)

11. Simon Tam (Firefly)

12. Sharon 'Boomer' Valerii (Battlestar Galactica)

13. Vicki Nelson (Blood Ties)

14. Wesley Wyndam-Pryce (Angel)

15. Yuna (Final Fantasy: X and X2) |
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tv: btvs, meme, tv: the vampire diaries, tv: sg1, tv: ats, tv: due south, tv: torchwood, tv: doctor who, tv: dollhouse, tv: smallville

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