5 Possibly Unpopular Fannish Opinions

Jan 11, 2009 12:45

1. So, I rented Neverwhere and was expecting it to be intriguing and thoughtful. I was hoping to take a look at Paterson Joseph in particular, since his praises have been sung so much recently. It was, quite possibly, the most boring series that I have ever attempted to watch (Farscape annoyed me, but I didn't think it was boring). In what little I've read of his, I generally like Neil Gaiman as a writer, but I kinda thought that this was... bad (oh! that reminds me -- rathanylakan, jic did find your copy! She's still thinking of giving it another try sometime).

2. Back when I was heavily reading due South fanfic, I started reading The Sentinel fanfic on the side, just because so many of the great dS writers had also written in that fandom. The implication that I got about the show from its fans was that it was extremely slashy, but not very good. So, it was much to my surprise that I found TS to be both extremely slashy and, after a few fumbles, a show that has, at least, a really good first season (I don't believe that S2 is on dvd at the moment, so I don't have it).

3. Rose Tyler remains my favorite Whoniverse character. And I liked her just as much (if not more) in S2 and S4.

4. Max/Logan OTP (Dark Angel). Even in S2. Especially in S2.

5. I don't miss Nathan all that much. The only character whose loss that I think would really cripple the show is Henry. He's the heart of Eureka.

eureka, dark angel, doctor who

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