Watched the S2 premiere of The Sarah Connor Chronicles. In a word: awesome.
That opening sequence was so incredibly beautiful. The music just worked so well with the visuals... it was one of those magical television moments. Gorgeous. The rest of the episode was pretty damn good, too. I'm with the people who think that John killed the man, not Sarah -- she was so intensely concerned with his well-being afterwards.
And now we're seeing one of the reasons that they picked this age to use for John -- it's time for him to start making decisions on his own, decisions that his mother wouldn't make. Natural part of growing up. I'm glad that we had Cameron affirm to both the audience and Sarah that she agrees with Sarah's decision. I found the scene between Derek and... Sarah's ex-guy (what was his name?) intriguing. Derek was very interesting (and a bit of an ass) there. "So you say."
Ellison was awesome and I'm very intrigued by our new T-1000.
Excellent episode.
I also watched the premiere of the new show Fringe and quite enjoyed it.
Maybe it's just because I watched TSCC right before it, but Olivia's pitch and tone reminded me very strongly of Sarah's. This is not a bad thing!
I really liked Olivia -- I was very involved in her side of the story even before Josh Jackson's character (Peter) showed up. Really enjoyed the bit where she told her boyfriend that she loved him, too. I completely believed her.
I'm really enjoying the way Peter interacts with her (and how that changed and grew throughout the pilot, to the point where his primary concern in their final scene is her emotional well-being) and with his father.
I'm really hoping that Olivia won't be the only female regular with four male regulars. That would make me a bit sad. I do really like Charlie and the new agent over her who is her introduction into the 'fringe'. I think that the show has a lot of potential.
Peter and Olivia have a lot of chemistry -- as I mentioned up a bit, he really seems to grow quite attached to her over the course of the pilot (after being a dismissive jerk to her near the beginning). And, you know, he broke a man's fingers for her. There's that.