I wanted to wait until all of my 'non-summer' television was over before I posted this, and Doctor Who had to go and air oddly, crossing over between fall-spring television nearly into summer. But now it's done and I feel able to sum up how I felt. So, in alphabetical order, what I watched this year:
Battlestar Galactica
On. Crack. Seriously, on so much crack. It pulled together at the end, but was still on crack. Just... better crack than it'd been on for a while. I had a lot of disappointments -- they failed to use Lee until near the end, they didn't use Boomer at all, Cally and Tyrol continued to make me go 'what the fuck?' every moment of screentime that they had. The Kara thing was... kinda wack. I'm totally watching next season, because I have to know what happens next, but wow. On so much crack.
Thoroughly enjoyable television... that I'm absolutely not fannish about. I loved both these shows this season, but I feel no urge to take it any further. I just want to watch them and have fun.
Boston Legal
Funny as hell. Incisive when it wants to be. Quality television with a fascinating friendship at the center of it. I actually do feel a little bit fannish about BL, but not in a way that I've found useful, yet. There's a vid in the back of my head, but it isn't clear, yet. I think I need the last season of The Practice for it to come into focus.
Doctor Who
Once Doctor Who started airing, it ate up pretty much all of my meta and thoughtfulness -- my lj became one thing about DW after another. I read spoilers, I considered opinions, and I tried to figure out what I was feeling. With any of the other shows in this list, I can just tell you my feelings. They're pretty uncomplicated -- love or disappointment or... whatever. But DW... I just didn't know. Now that the third season is done, my overall emotion is... satisfied. Martha was there for a reason and saved the world in a way that only Martha really could have done. The unrequited love had a point. The Doctor was kept emotionally true and resonant. The Master kicked ass. Tons of great side characters. All in all, a very good season of television.
Though I enjoyed watching the show this season, I... hmm. If I don't hear that Jesse Spencer is coming back, I probably won't be interested in watching next year. I like House and Wilson's friendship. I enjoy both of them and Cuddy but... this season, I really fell in love with Chase's character. Without him there, I may not feel inclined to keep watching.
Prison Break
I will quote myself from above -- on crack. From T-Bag kicking ass with a bloody stump to the President revealed as having slept with her (unattractive) brother, this season was utterly on crack. Much like how I feel about BSG, I'll probably watch again next season, but wow. The crack. Which kinda makes me sad, as the first season was total quality television that didn't feel like it was on crack.
Highly enjoyable, for the most part! Lois and Lana had particularly strong character arcs this season, which was a real treat. Oliver was a delightful addition and the formation of the Justice League real fun (and slashy). There were a couple of dud episodes but, overall, season six was very good and really made me look forward to S7.
Pure fannish joy. This is the fandom that I'm currently reading the most fanfic for, because I cannot get enough of Sam and Dean. Slash or gen, I don't care -- I just love them.
Also, pretty much entirely love. Some people didn't click with this show, but I totally did. I adore Gwen, grew to love Owen, think that Tosh and Ianto are both cute, and lovelovelove Jack. Really looking forward to the second season.