Post a list of your top five favorite fics you've written videos you've made, regardless of source or the reason you love them. This isn't about the BEST things you've made, but what you LOVE most.
Prayer -- Supernatural, Dean Winchester.
I love this vid because I love Dean Winchester and this is Dean to me. There are a whole lot of things about this vid that I could actually talk about forever in notes if I'd ever start them -- there's no visible Sam in the entire first verse and chorus (he enters in the musical break), because Dean really is "pretty much an equal-opportunity saver" (to quote from Angel -- Season Five, Unleashed, Fred); and then the entire second verse is All About Sam, because, yes, Dean saves people, but he saves Sam most. The color scheme developed as I was working on the vid. This vid, with the red wash and the green overlay and the bursting contrast and color saturation, always strikes me as so damn beautiful (I'm sure that part of that is due to the very gorgeous Dean Winchester who is the subject of the vid). The world the boys live in tends to be so desaturated, which works for the emotion of the show, but which wouldn't have worked for the passion of this song. Also, this is the very first time that I used such quick cuts, which were necessary for the mood of the song (it all moves so fast, this life that Dean lives, this need to help that he feels) but made me nervous as hell while I was working on it.
But this is Dean -- guns, fire, saving people (saving Sam). Quick and vibrant and beautiful.
Sunset Boulevard -- Angel the Series, Charles Gunn.
Because I love and adored Gunn so much in seasons one and two and then he turned boring in season three before rallying at the end of season four and kicking ass in season five. Because he killed his baby sister, the one person that he wanted to protect and care for above everything and then did his best never to think about it again but his innocence had died in that moment and he never managed to get it back. Because he loved Fred and killed for her and thus destroyed her idea of him, and then was the one who signed the document that ended up killing her. What he loves and what he destroys are the same thing, and all he wanted to do was find a way to protect the ones he loved.
This song spoke so strongly to me of Gunn and of the parts of Gunn that are dismissed (his love for Fred), forgotten (killing his vamped baby sis), or disliked (the way he will sell out, easily, in order to get what he needs to do what he feels he must). 'Sunset Boulevard' is many things in this vid -- most of all, a life he feels he can't have and shouldn't want. There is blood on his hands and yet... when he killed his sister, when he killed the professor, when he killed Fred -- there was no blood. You can't wash off blood that you can't see.
The Best Thing -- Doctor Who, Tenth Doctor/Rose.
This vid is a pure and complete celebration of just how much I adored the Ten/Rose dynamic. Basically, this is me going -- "and this is why I love them so much!". This is the Doctor realizing just how much he adores this girl, this woman, that wants to travel by his side. Because not only is he in love with her, she becomes his best friend, his other half. The ying to his yang. They complete each other -- he covers time and space, she covers domestic -- but they've also begun to overlap, as they spend time together. And they have so much fun together, the two of them. So much so that the Doctor is, in Army of Ghosts, willing to ask Rose how long she'll stay with him and be glad when she says 'forever'. This vid is about the Doctor's speech in Satan's Pit, in many ways.
"So, that's the trap. Or the test, the final judgment. But if I kill you, I kill her. Except that implies, in this big grand scheme of gods and devils, that she's just a victim. But I've seen a lot of this universe. I've seen fake gods and bad gods and demi-gods and would-be-gods, and out of all that, out of that whole pantheon, if I believe in one thing... just one thing... I believe in her."
Rose isn't a dependent but is a partner. She's not a victim but is a fellow hero. He believes in her and he loves her. If I could articulate my ideal relationship, it would be very similar to the tenth Doctor and Rose.
Be Like Water -- Stargate: SG-1, Jack/Daniel.
Like The Best Thing, Be Like Water shows my view of the pivotal relationship of a show, but unlike the pure, giddy joy of TBT, BLW is, well, kinda a downer. TBT is all about how happiness and love can thrive despite being unspoken, while BLW is about how, sometimes, when you don't speak, you miss your chance. About being so very close, but just not close enough. It's an emotion that I'm very familiar with and, thus, this vid is very dear to me.
The Thunder Rolls -- Brokeback Mountain, Alma.
The tagline of Brokeback Mountain spoke very strongly to me -- "Love is a force of nature." The love between Ennis and Jack is so powerful that those feelings overwhelm everything else in their lives and however hard they fight, they can't make those feelings go away. But Jack and Ennis aren't the only ones affected by their storm -- Alma gets caught up in the side, buffeted and hurt. I really liked that the movie showed us that part, too, and the one time in the theater when I felt jarred by the audience is when Alma saw Ennis and Jack kissing and some people in the audience laughed. In some ways, this vid is a response to that reaction, to the idea that her pain could be at all comical.
Tagging other people to do things creeps me out, so I'm not doing that bit. I may do the version with fics, later. Can't say for sure. I'm more insecure about my writing than vidding.