Mar 22, 2005 10:53
And now fandom is having the "Why RPS Is/Isn't Evil" discussion.
So, my thoughts on the whole thing:
Way I figure, fiction is fiction. You should be up front at the start about what kind of fiction that you're writing, but fiction is fiction. It's not real. And the idea that writing real people as characters in any way diminishes them... dude, most of my heroes are fake people. Buffy, Daniel, Fraser... these are people that I admire greatly. And they were created by somebody. When I write about a Real Person, I'm actually saying that the persona that they show to the public is as interesting as a fictional person's. This is a compliment. The way that I show my love is to write. And in the end, fiction is just fantasy flattened out into two dimensions. Not real.
Not comparable to rape. Comparable to rape fantasies, yeah, but not to rape.