Nov 16, 2005 12:15
i think people should be closer to their dirt. im not trying to be gross, but its an important part of life... of living. in a fish tank, you have to start creating an ecosystem from bacteria of sorts, like you have to get it dirty before the fish will even live there. the sterile environment wouldn't sustain the life put into it. our waste, as humans is whisked away to a magical landfill where its dumped into a big hole, and buried... never to be seen, or smelled again. and we teach our offspring, ew gross stuff goes in the garbage. dont touch, dont even go near, you might get sick. but, i was thinking (while cleaning a nasty bird cage out that i found in the garage) that people are way too far away from their dirt to understand it. we just keep making longer sticks with sponges on them to 'clean' it. whats wrong with our hands? we are cleanable, water-proof, sterilize-able... i read somewhere that kids, who eat their own boogers, don't get sick as much. they are actually using their 'dirt' to boost their immune systems... crazy how you know what you're doing when your a kid, but the adults keep telling you that you know nothing. all those mud pies, impromptu frog dissections(they were found dead), weed tasting parties, and snow angel making, must have been good for me in more than just the fun ways:)
how can we know how much we are consuming if we dont pay attention to, and respect the waste we create? i have this friend (ok, hes a crack-head, but sometimes you learn from the off-beat) who is obsessed with his... 'waste'. he knows what he ate, if it was bad for him, and then decides if he should eat that particular thing again... ya, its gross. but he is so in tune with his body, he is not scared of even one aspect of the gross-ness of being human. and i really respect that, even tho it probably because of what he smoking as to why he's so obsessed at the moment. and, tho he is very good at sharing his finding... he still brings light to some of our phobias as humans.
the only way to reduce your waste, is to know what you are consuming. too much packaging? too much grease? if you saved all of your garbage for 2 weeks, in your home... would you be able to live with it?
i want my own chickens, for my own eggs... well, their own eggs. maybe they will share if im nice
>>>> ok, done:)