Apr 05, 2007 08:31
I'm going to pick on someone for a moment that i actually dearly like and respect. sorry stephanie.
i know that alot of people think it's no big deal that i get heated over this hole american idol ordeal. and it is i'll admitt nothing really to get worked up all over. but i think it's more to do with common respect for the individuals who are avid watchers. I personally am not the type of person who cares what people think about me . or how i choose to spend my tuesday and wednesday night. what i care about is people who are trying to ruin my evening based on the fact that they think american idol is a popularity contest full of talent lacking individuals who are just using it to break into the music industry the "easy" way. There is no easy way to break into the industry no matter which direction you try to take. sure it might open doors for you that weren't so easily accesible. but soo what. who hasn't heard the phrasse "it's not who you know, it's who you blow" who hasn't used these tools in your everyday life. such as getting a job because a friend of family member can get you in. or using someones employee discount at a store you shop at. or getting in the movies free because your neighbor is a manager. or getting out of ticket because you have big boobs. Or getting into a show free because you get to know the band.
life no matter how much you try to fight it. is pretty much one big popularity contest. everyone sometime in their life has based an opinion on someones look. someones atire. someones lifestyle. someones weight.
i'm no exception. you (everyone) are no exception.
basically if you dont like american idol and what it stands for TURN THE FUKKIN THE CHANNEL. AND GET ON WITH YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!
i'm certainly not going to find something your enjoy and try to ruin it based on the fact that i think it sucks...trust me i could come up with a list of things and entertainers that i find thouroughly annoying and wish would go away!!! i simply just dont go see their movies. watch their t.v shows or buy their cd's.
thanks for listening to me bitch..even if it dosnt matter