Nov 23, 2004 00:13
Wow it has been a really long time huh? But yeah a lot has happened. I finished my nursing class a week ago and now I'm working on the 6th floor which is basically a cancer unit, a lot of the patients die on that floor it's kinda sad and depressing but I also love working there because everyone is so friendly and it's like a big family. You get really close to the patients and their families. I work 3 days a week 8pm to 8am. Some weeks I work 4 or 5 days a week, I don't really mind working all those hours cuz it's just more money and I just love the feeling at the end of the day that I helped someone and made their families feel like they can trust me to take care of their loved one. It's just the best feeling in the world. Anyways, I also got a new car saturday. I got a 2001 vw jetta gls. I also got to talk to Jaime tonight, it was so great talking to her again. I haven't talked to her in like 6 months or sumthin like that. But yeah I used to have like the biggest crush on that girl lol hopefully she doesn't read this journal entry but I'm sure she knew I had a crush on her. It was just great talking to her again. Well I think Imma get going to bed now