Mar 05, 2006 11:23
I am in such a weird mood.
Like who am i?
why am i even here?
whats the point of even being alive anymore?
like really were going to die anyways.
why,why does it have to happen?
like seriously
when u cant stand the memories?
then why is it the only way out is death?
like death
no living anymore
ur just dead,and u dont even know ur dead.
Like how does this world work?
like seriously.
whats the point of creating people if their just going to die anyways?
like who did all of this?
like why am i in this family?
like why do i have the friends that i have?
the clothes i have?
the way i look?
why,just why?
how is everything created?
and then destroyed?
theres no point
were just living to die and dying to live.
theres no life after this life.
your just dead.
no more anything no more friends family just daily things u do.
i just dont get it anymore.
its so scary to me.
but then why do i think of wanting to die?
if seriously theres no point.
eventually things will come around
and then u die.
see its like theres nooooooooooo point at all.
once u grow up and have what u want,then u die.
see whats the point?
youll finally get it and enjoy it for a bit
and then its like its all gone.