May 07, 2005 14:55
Ok, so today I am just sitting here waiting for my ride to get here so we can go to choir rehearsal for tommorow. Hopefully Greg knows where he is going cause I sure as hell don't haha. Anyways I am so tired today, I was up until really late talking to someone special last night and had to get up early this morning which was not good planning on my part...hopefully I can get to sleep early tonight or something haha. I have to sing a 45 minute song...who in the world actually WRITES a 45 minute song, let along wants to stand up and sing it. It's ok though, it's a very pretty song that is in Latin. So unless anyone knows what were saying you aren't going to get what were even singing about, but its cool. Anyways I gotta run, hopefully I don't pass out or something haha...yeah that would suck