Friends Only. If u wanna be added then just comment. I add everyone unless u just add me without commenting. Yes I check my info daily but that doesnt mean I will just add u back. I promise u I will not. It isnt hard to just comment. If u want on my life then u will comment very easy to understand otherwise u will never get to see anything I write about. I never post open. There isnt anything special inside but still my journal my rules. There are a few reason why this journal is friends only.
1. I want to know who is reading.
2. There are some people in this wonderful lj world I dont like.
3. Some things in here are personal and I dont want everyone to know about it.
4. I dont trust easily.
5. People steal.
Thank you. Have a great day. Come again. Now move along. Good bye.
P.S. My community -
ljsisterhood P.S.S. As of May 3, 2003 I'm not adding anyone new for a few reasons:
1. People say they are my friends then show others my entries and add shit to them.
2. It is the busy season at work so I don't have much time to read journals.
3. At the moment I think I need to get to know the friends on here I do have before adding new ones.
Exception: If you really want to add me then email me. If you go through the trouble of emailing me then I know you will be a great friend on here to have so of course I will add you. lol