Apr 13, 2005 18:29
I keep having this dream. It's been happening almost every other night for about a week. In it, I'm running after someone. I can't tell who this person is though, because it's almost as if they've been cut out of the picture or I'm staring at their shadow. Idk what it's about. But I'm starting to wonder why I'm having it. In this dream I keep running and running after this person, and I can never get to them. Things keep getting in my way, like I'll trip or a fence would pop up. It's driving me nuts. I want to know why I'm having it.
also, I want to like someone. I don't like anyone right now, and I want to. It's surprising, I used to be in total bliss because my mind was totally free from any guys occupying it, but now i find myself wanting to like someone. And I think i may still like that guy(not gonna say who but at least 1 of you know who he is). I havn't talked to him since right after christmas break, I think, but whenever I see him in the hall, I can't talk to him. I know i'm physically capable of it, but it's like I'm scared to talk to him. and I get that feeling. Idk. I'm just confused.