Mar 01, 2007 01:28
OK so I've spent $50 already on adhesive paper, cds, cd cases; who knows how much in printer paper; used up a whole brand new cartridge of black ink, working on drying up the other colors. I've spent the past 3 days making these pain-in-the-ass cd's.
The Singles bailed out on us because they got a chance to showcase at SXSG or something, supposedly the biggest music fest in the country(but I haven't heard of it) the day before and they won't be able to make it back in time...and they want me to let them know if we need them again for another event this year. >=\ yeah right. you sure proved yourselves dependable. so in place of those shitfucks(I've just always wanted to use that word since... 2 days ago when I made it up, i'm not really that mad)I asked the band that I had to turn down called Lock Your Door and they're gonna play for us and they're excited. but I had already made 25 cds with the old band, I don't want them to have free publicity if they're gonna be hatin', ya know? so that kinda irritates me AND last minute all the flyers need to be changed(its kinda lucky that we weren't quick with printing those up).
The t-shirts aren't gonna be the way I want them and there's no guarentee I will be able to have the PA system, he said come a week before to see but I should have a plan B grrr. And I think most people know the story with the lights being $99 one day and $299 the next. I am still thinking about getting those, but I still have to pay dues and pay back my parents for school so I'm going to be completely broke soon.
Sooo the moral of the story is: I hate my life and trying to do this all on my own mostly. This better raise a shitload of money for NKF and everybody better be completely involved at the event otherwise I will probably throw myself in front of a bus afterwards.
This year is just gonna be bad luck, I can already tell.