Four buttercups!

Mar 24, 2011 12:33

I hate how upset this has made the school. Whoever did this deserves all the anger coming their way but I do hope no one starts pointing fingers, like the Professor warned against.

[[ ... ]]

It makes me even sadder because Daddy was a muggleborn but him and Mother fell in love anyway. So if they can do that, why can't the rest of us at least get along?

Mother used to tell me that Daddy would let anyone into the house to share our food back when the mine was still open, even though we were poor back then. For me, if I ever was mean to anyone for no reason other than their blood, it'd be an insult to Daddy's memory, and to everyone who's ever suffered for equality.

I wish everyone just got over themselves and realized that.

deep thoughts with primrose, primrose, daddy was a great man, ic

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