OOC: Sortinghat App

Feb 15, 2010 23:26

Character Information
Name: Primrose Everdeen
Canon Origin/Series: The Hunger Games trilogy.
School Year: 2nd Year
Gender: Cis-female.
Age: 12 - her age in The Hunger Games
Out of school living location: Ashington, Northumberland
Blood status: Half-blood, her late father was a muggle miner and her mother is a healer and from a long line of wizards.

Personality: Sweet, loyal, quiet but with a lot of sense in that cute head of hers, Primrose Everdeen is incredibly mature for a 12 year old. She is extremely caring and loving, whether she knows you or not, and will go out of her way to make you feel comfortable if you're with her. She adores animals and will lose her temper if she sees anyone abusing one.

She is also very mature for her age and it isn't uncommon for her to be having serious discussions with her older sister or any other adult, for that matter.

Prim also has a natural affinity for healing, something that was passed down to her from her mother, and perhaps because of that talent is also very patient and level-headed. She isn't given to irrational acts, unlike her older sister. In fact, in many ways she is the exact opposite of her older sister but nonetheless they are extremely attached to each other.

Canon Background: NOTE: The Hunger Games is set in a post-apocalyptic dystopian future so this WILL be extremely depressing and WILL contain spoilers.

Prim was born and raised in District 12, a district centered around coal-mining, in the totalitarian country of Panem, in what is atm North America. Her mother is from a long line of merchants in the city, distinguishable by their blonde hair and blue eyes - which Primrose inherited - and her father was a miner from the Seam, the poorer part of 12. This is not to say that the merchants were in anyway rich. Hell no - District 12 is probably the poorest district in Panem, and by this I mean people dying from starvation is extremely common and if you actually live to be old, you are heavily admired. Anyway, Prim has an older sister, Katniss, almost the complete opposite of Prim herself BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT. The point is, Mr. Everdeen was killed in a mining accident. Yeah. An explosion. This was when Katniss was 11 and Prim was just 7 years old. Katniss and Mrs Everdeen were hit by his death hard, with Mrs. Everdeen retreating into herself and sinking into deep, deep depression to the extent that Katniss had to take over position as the head of the family and started resenting her mother for leaving Prim and her on their own. They're on the brink of starvation when Katniss, wandering into the richer part of District Twelve, is given a couple loaves of bread by the baker's son, Peeta, who intentionally burnt the bread so his mother would tell him to throw it out.

Katniss takes the loaves home and for the first time in months, the family feels full. This motivates and finally gives them the strength to keep going.

Prim, ever the loving daughter and sister, still took care of her mother while Katniss was out hunting for food and selling it to people around 12. Prim has a cat named Buttercup who seems to hate everyone but Prim and a goat named Lady that Katniss bought for her. At this point, Prim's own history is kept vague, but Panem's isn't.

Well. 74 years ago, the districts rebelled against the Capitol but were defeated completely. The Capitol, being run by ruthless assholes, thought up The Hunger Games which are held annually to remind the people of the districts how they are completely and utterly under the rule of the Capitol. The Hunger Games...well, think of Battle Royale. A boy and a girl tribute, between the ages of 12 and 18, is chosen from each district and are sent to the Capitol and are told to kill each other or be killed. The last tribute standing is crowned victor and is sent back home to live in endless wealth and the knowledge that they killed 23 other children for that wealth. Did I mention that The Hunger Games are televised nationally? And that the ignorant people of the Capitol love watching the show? And that people in the districts are FORCED to watch their children fight against each other and be killed?

It's an awful, awful competition.

Also, guess what - the Capitol exploits the desperate situation of the districts by letting them put their name in multiple times in the draw in exchange for some extra grains to take home. Which Katniss does.

Anyway, the 74th annual Hunger Games would be Prim's first year with her name in the draw as she just turned 12 years old. And in a show of just how cruel the universe is, even though the odds should have been in Prim's favor, her name is drawn.

Now, Prim is the only person Katniss is certain that she loves more than anything, anything in the world. And for a big sister to just stand by and let her little sister enter a competition where she could get killed? No. Hell no. And so Katniss volunteers to take Prim's place, earning the respect of the district. (also, irrelevant to Prim but remember that baker boy? Yeah, guess who the other tribute from 12 is.)

Now, we don't get to hear much about Prim in the rest of the book since Katniss is the main protagonist of the series but we do find out that Prim has matured a lot and is taking after her mother in terms of skill in healing and medicine. In fact, by the last book, Mockingjay, Prim is pretty much a healer in her own right. She grows into a mature, thoughtful, maybe slightly more solemn and cynical, but just as loving young girl, and is about the only person that can make Katniss stay rational. Something that's surprisingly difficult when you've been in two Hunger Game events, with your best friend having been kidnapped by the Capitol and having to be the face of a fucking rebellion. Yeah. Totally surprising.

But how cruel, how fucking cruel is it that Primrose gets killed in the end of Mockingjay, and burns to death along with so many other children because of an explosion? In front of her adoring older sister, no less? ON HER WAY TO PROVIDING MEDICAL AID TO THE REBELS? AT NOT EVEN FOURTEEN?

I told you it'd be depressing.

Background (AU!Canon; HP): dirty Born and raised in Ashington, Northumberland, Prim's family was never really rich. Or well-off at all. In fact, they barely had enough to get by...but they were happy. For most of her life, Ashington was first and foremost a colliery, so it was natural that her father himself would have been a miner in a colliery. She and her older sister, Katniss, adored their father. He was funny, witty, sang beautifully and brought an air of happiness to an otherwise unfortunate family. They all knew Mrs Everdeen was of a magical, incredibly pureblooded family. She pretty much betrayed all her family values by falling in love, going on to marry, and actually procreate with a “sooty-handed mudblood.” It didn't matter to Mrs Everdeen - they loved each other and that's all there was to it. This made for rather lovely bedtime stories for the two girls and, at one point in their lives, Prim and Katniss would actually go out of their way to get hurt just to see their mother pull out her wand and heal their injuries. They longed for the day they would get their letters from Hogwarts and their father shared in their excitement.

So of course the whole family would have been devastated when Mr. Everdeen died in a mining explosion. It was worse for Katniss as she had actually gotten her letter to Hogwarts just days ago! But Prim was still just a little girl. She came to grips with her father's death the quickest, even though she would talk to him when she thought no one was listening, telling him about the day's events, how she thinks Katniss is just so brave and how she hopes mommy would start smiling again and that you still love us, right daddy?

Mrs. Everdeen finally got some of her old self back and began taking care of Primrose again, after a promise she had made to Katniss following an argument before she left for Hogwarts. For Prim, it was all thanks to the magic of Hogwarts that made her mother come back and she, too, patiently awaited the day her own letter would come.

And then, one beautiful evening, it came. That was enough incentive for Mrs. Everdeen to grow happy again, now that both her babies were going to be fully integrated into her own world. The first summer back from school came with the joy of seeing their home painted, refurnished and with a table full of delicious food. Mrs. Everdeen had taken up a job, Katniss finally forgave her, and Primrose had her family back.

To this day, she is adamant in the belief that it was all the magic of Hogwarts.

PS; Prim has an EXTREMELY UGLY pet cat named Buttercup who hates everyone but Prim herself, just like in the actual canon. She'll bring him to Hogwarts with her TO HELL WITH WHAT ANYONE THINKS ABOUT HIM. diana

How would your character fit in to each House?

Gryffindor: Oh, Primrose is a right little trooper! It takes a lot to be the only happy face in a family of depressed women at the age of seven but she got through it with a smile and the knowledge that everything would be alright again. She's also quite chivalrous, even if the thought makes you giggle, what with going out of her way to take care of both the elderly and children younger than herself. Primrose Everdeen walks with her head held high and her shoulders thrown back and you'd do well to acknowledge it.

Hufflepuff: Loyal? Damn straight she's loyal, she'll stick by your side till the day she dies and you'd better be happy about it. In fact, why wouldn't you? She's a delight to hang out with! She's also one hell of a hard worker and will keep at it until she's perfectly satisfied with the result. She's a sweet little darling with a great sense of fairness that she'll uphold with all her passion and will be the first to call you out on your douchebaggery. Also, ANIMALS <333333333

Ravenclaw: Wit? Intelligence? Creativity? Yeah, Primrose has a LOT of that. A lot of all of that actually. Though she may not look it, she is very intelligent and creative, maybe not artistically, but she does have somewhat of a flair for writing and storytelling, something she likely inherited from her father. She is also exceptionally skilled in Charms and Potions, and is a natural healer as well.

Slytherin: ...I wouldn't be surprised if her mother's a well-known blood-traitor amongst the more extremist Pureblood families in the wizarding world. She is, however, a resourceful girl with good leadership qualities. Otherwise she's not overly ambitious and doesn't desire power or anything of the sort - all she wants is for her family to be happy and to help others.

Sample Journal Entry:

Buttercup threw up again. Not on my bed, thankfully, but right next to it. Oh, but it's not his fault - it's not like he can control when he's going to vomit!

I know what Katniss will say, though, but he's not evil. Buttercup is a sweetheart.

...I'm sorry, though, to all of you that have been scratched by him. He doesn't really like being picked up by anyone else for some reason. Buttercup is very sorry too, aren't you, Buttercu-

Oh, no, he just threw up in one of the other girl's beds I have Charms homework.

Sample Interaction Post in Third Person:

Primrose Everdeen is curled up in a couch, her Charms book balanced on her knees and wand in her hand. Buttercup lingers by her feet, yawning and occasionally nuzzling against his mistress' feet. He doesn't like it when she ignores him for the sake of her homework.

However, Prim is too busy murmuring spells under her breath and watching her wand spark from the corner of her eye to notice. Her foot is dangling off the arm of the couch and she points her wand at it, whispering a spell. As her sock takes on a luminescent green hue, she giggles softly, satisfied, and turns it back to normal.

“Well, there's a useful spell for whenever I want glow-in-the-dark clothes.”

She giggles again and then gasps when she hears a disgruntled yowl. Buttercup balances precariously at the edge of the shelf above the commonroom's hearth, glaring unhappily at Primrose.

“Buttercup! What are you doing, you silly cat?” she reprimands, scooping him up and holding him close, much to the cat's smugness as he purrs and nuzzles into her.

“Honestly, Buttercup, sometimes I wonder if Katniss is right about-” she breaks off as the black bundle of fur looks up at her with a pathetic expression on his ugly face and she sighs, stroking his fur.

“I can't be mad at you for long...” she mutters and starts moving back towards the dormitory, cat and bag in hand. It was late and she couldn't let cat-shenanigans get in the way of her sleep, now could she?

app, primrose, ooc

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