(no subject)

Apr 05, 2007 11:48

These past few days have been good days! Silver-senpai slept over to work on my costume on Monday/Tuesday...I really need to call her back about finishing it, because she's leaving tomorrow and guess what isn't done. ;_;  Eep.

I also went to Value Village with her, and got a pair of perfect shoes for cosplaying (I've painted over them--heehee >D) and a really fun day bag...and guess what? All blue tags were 99cents. And guess what both had blue tags on them. (Scoooooooore!)

Bought hair spray, too. <3 Lisa with platinum hair--oh that's going to be fun. :) I'm excited.

People in Anime Club are generally being stupid and refusing to cooperate with me. *kills all the freshmen* If they show up demanding a ride and we haven't the room for them, THEY AIN'T GETTING ONE. If they show up demanding payment and their name isn't on the list, WE AIN'T PAYING FOR 'EM. (Being in charge is fun!)

...my calculator is running out of batteries, so I guess I can't do my homework. XD I have Even Day homework in every single one of my classes...am I doing it? Nooo. What am I doing instead? <.<...>.>....writing an awesome fic with an awesome person?
...and writing other little drabblets. Maybe.
....and RIKKAIMYU.

<333333333333 RIKKAIMYU.

I can't count the number of times I screamed. XD Clarissa can testify. I think every time Rikkai came on--kyaaaaaa!! Every time Rikkai did something awesome---screeeeeam!! Every time Yukimura came on---SCREEEEEEEEEAM!

....yes, I am that bad. Japan is probably lucky that they don't have me in the live audience.

Hmm. There's paint on my fingers.

This morning I woke up and except for cleaning the bathroom (which I should, Mum put the cleanser in there and supposedly I can take a hint), all my chores are done! :D It's not even noon, and I've done the dishwasher, the laundry is drying, practiced, and finished painting my shoes. <3 Who's good? I'm good.

And now I'm hungry. Brunchtime~

PS: I remember what I was going to say--Tuesday Mom and I went SHOPPING after my dentist appointment for my wisdom teeth (June 27th they're coming out. I really didn't know it was possible for a tooth to come in at a 180-degree angle), and me who never finds anything that fits found THREE DRESSES that fit and look good, an added bonus, plus shoes that fit the two I'm going to wear (when I wear them). <3! So extremely happy!

anime club, sakura con, vacation!, dentist, pot

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