Put on a happy face!

Mar 09, 2007 22:21

Bye Bye Birdie was amaziiiiiing. I can't stop gushing. Perfect!! Lauren and Stefan were AWESOME and Shawn and Monica stole the show. I swear. <3 A bit of problems with the lights and the sounds, but hey! It's a high school musical. XD Everything else was fantastic. I nearly died laughing.

My adjudications were today, and the piano was amazing! So amazing that I messed up and had to start over. Grr. Apparently tomorrow I'm doing the same pieces again.....I don't really understand it.....XD BUT! I finally figured out where I am!

According to this adjudicator, I am ranked at Level V.
Out of VII levels.

Which, if I'm not mistaken, is either upper intermediate or, quite possibly, beginning advanced.

Which means if I keep up that this rate, next year I will either be---beginning advanced or advanced!


I know it doesn't mean much to you, but this makes me happy. It's like getting a five on the AP test. Whee~!

For now, I'm going to bed. I have threeee projects due on Monday/Tuesday that I need to get working on, and not a lot of time to do them, so I'm getting up early tomorrow before my eleven-am-appointment with the accompaniment-ist for Sunday's adjudications, then piano recital/adjudication at one, theeeeeeeeeeen......sleep? XD

One week until DoE fanfiction is due--I need to finish writing. And typing. And stop the plot-bunnies from attacking me more. *flails*

Also, the adjudicator wrote me down as "hard-working, with a lot of talent! Congratulations!"

.....it's probably strange that that made me laugh. XD

EDIT: I lie, my recital is not until next Saturday. Mrs. Mack just called and told me.

WTF?! How can you get two dates wrong?!
Why, Mummy, do you get so upset?! You don't have to take me! I CAN DRIVE MYSELF PLACES, THIS IS WHY I GOT MY LICENSE. MAKES SENSE, DOESN'T IT. You can have a life without me, you know, you will for years once I MOVE OUT.
Or go to college.
But maybe if you let me give you a freaking hug right now I'd feel better.

Stupid talent.

piano, audition, music, play pro

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