Idea stolen from faith47

Jan 17, 2005 00:12

Take the first line of the first entry each month of 2004, and there you have your Year End Review.

Here goes........

Jan: What a way to start the new year off..... Jim and I are not talking.
Feb: Had a pretty good weekend. Spent it with Jim, as usual.
Mar: Before I get on with my rant let me say this..To the cutest, sweetest, most adorable little girl in the world........
Happy Birthday Kristen !
Apr: what happened to us
May: So, there is a lot going on right now... just dont want to talk about most of it here.
June: So I get a call from Chew tonight, and when i answer I hear him reading scripture
July: This is the problem with LJ, we all think we are so close, and we know nothing about each other.
Sept: So, my exhusband gave me a 4 foot glass bong and I invited Jaimon and Richie over to smoke.
Oct: The Costumed Tumbler
Dec: So I took Jaime to work today so I could go to the grocery store and run errands while she was at work (since neither of us feel like doing anything after she gets off work).

This year was a bunch of unhappy sulking... Im sorry everyone. Hopefully that will all work itself out soon.
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