the "official feminist response" to Palin - repost from my friend Anna

Sep 13, 2008 15:35

This is my brilliant friend Anna's "Official Feminist Response" to Palin that she posted to her blog and said i could repost cause i think it's awesome:

The "official feminist response" on Palin

If I had a nickel for every person that has asked me for my take on Palin - well, lets just say that I would be so rich that I actually might be a Republican. Now, I know  - she's the topic of conversation. Everyone is talking about her. What perplexes me though is HOW I'm asked about Palin. The introduction to the question says it all.

Scenario 1
Random Stranger: "So what do you do?"
Me: "I'm a PhD student in Women's Studies at UCLA."
Random Stranger: "Oh yeah? Hey, so what do you think of Palin?"

Scenario 2:
Chorus of Students: "Hey Professor Anna - you're a feminist - so what's your take on Palin?"

Scenario 3
Acquaintance: "Oh, I'm so glad I ran into you...I've been dying to hear your take on the whole Palin thing. You know, since you're in Women's Studies."

Apparently, people are looking for the official feminist/Women's Studies take on Governor Palin and, for some reason, they think I have it. Well, I don't. Feminists are like snowflakes people. The fact that Palin herself is a member of Feminists for Life is a testament to how undefined that label has become. There is no official position, and if there was one, I would probably be the least likely person to champion it. And I doubt I would appear on anyone's short list for an official spokesperson anyway.

Besides, when I think about Palin, I don't think to myself, "Hmm, what do I have to say about this as a feminist?" What I do think to myself is, "Hmm, as a person with at least two brain cells that I occasionally like to click together (you know, just to see what happens), what do I have to say about Palin?" And the answer looks a lot like %*$!

There is nothing really surprising about this. I have been saying since I was 10 yrs old that the first woman in the White House will probably be a Vice President and a Republican. Now, as to whether I give a shit that she's a woman? I don't. I don't recall seeing any bumper stickers on my car stating "Any Vagina 2008!" So no, I don't have a sweet spot for Palin just because she's a woman and might be the best chance of breaking that barrier down. I care far less about who has power than I do with what they do with that power once they get it.

This isn't the end of the world for Democrats. All this bellyaching about this ruining everything and about McCain's numbers getting a nice bump is driving me insane. Anyone that thinks that the game is over is a moron and needs to review their political history. The game has just begun. More importantly, I actually think this is the best thing that could have happened to Democrats. The Republicans just dealt themselves a blow in terms of their best argument against Obama - experience. If Dems are smart, they will use Palin's nomination as a way to take that debate off the table once and for all. That's their game to lose.

I also don't think that the mass exodus of Hillary supporters is going to happen. Or, rather, it isn't going to happen because of Palin. People mistakenly assume that Hillary's staunch supporters believe in her simply because she's a woman. That assumption dramatically underestimates her supporters and Hillary herself. Regardless of what you think of her, Hillary stands for something. She represents a better time, a bygone era, halcyon days - days when there actually was an official feminist position of sorts. Before feminism became the f word. When being a feminist just made good sense. Equal pay, day care, health care, pro-choice. Done. See how simple that is? It's a kind, gentle, sanitized version of feminism that can still cling to centrism. Hillary might have a lot of centrist supporters, even right-of-center supporters, but the one thing that almost every Hillary supporter shares is this very basic feminist brand of liberalism.

Palin represents the aftermath of the feminist backlash. When things got all muddied. "Feminists for Life." Gun-toting, Jesus-lovin, feminists for life. Palin is no Hillary. If Hillary supporters flee, it won't be because of Palin, it will be because of Obama. It will be because, let's be honest, white women still get a little nervous around black men. It will be because Feminism Inc had a different CEO in mind. It will be because they fear that Obama is not letting on just how radical he is. It will be because they fear he will take away their SUVs. It will be because...well, you get the point.

I'm not worried about Palin. Or, rather, she hasn't given me a reason to worry yet. Talk to me after the Charlie Gibson appearance, after the Veep debate, after the press gets their shit together and stops acting like they've found themselves present-less on Christmas morning and the only thing open is Walgreens (you've got time mofos - focus and stop chasing your tails), etc. If she's still blowing people's mind after all this, then I will worry. Even then though, it's still our game to lose. What Palin has done is energize a lukewarm Republican base. And she did that wonderfully. Now let's focus on ours.

As for my "official feminist" response, I suppose it should go something like this: "Palin is a smart, capable woman who is not to be underestimated. Isn't this is an exciting time in politics? I mean, a black man up for Pres and a woman up for VP. Oh my. Very exciting."

In reality though, I hope the Dems absolutely fucking destroy her. Not because she's a woman (obviously) but because she's an idiot. If Hillary won't be an attack dog, find someone who will. I want to see some serious Karl Rove style shit from my party. Part of "equal opportunity" means equal opportunity to have your ass sent back to Alaska in a sling. Welcome to the wonderful world of politics. I am sure Sarah Barracuda can take it. Hillary always could.

Yes, I take this seriously. Because one day I just might have a knocked up 17-year-old daughter and I better be able to drive her ass to the clinic with a quickness. How's that for a feminist response?

p.s. Sarah Palin looks about as much like Tina Fey as I do. I really wish people would stop saying that. It's ruining my Tina Fey crush.

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