(no subject)

Apr 19, 2008 21:34

why  am i so enthralled by female killers? i watched carrie 2 - yes there is a sequel (1999) - today and absolutely loved it. if that was a guy i would have totally been offended. but it wasn't and i was like yeah, kill all the bastards yo. wierd. although i also watched V for Vendetta and also love that movie. i think i just like underdogs/outcasts and any media about media. hmm. and i wonder why no work gets done.....
i started a book called freaks talk back today. it's basically queer theory about daytime talk shows. it looks pretty awesome so far. i must say, i do love my work. i mean,i don't have any grand illusions about what i'm doing, i know all i really do is write shit that say "oh yeah, well look at what your culture REALLY says! bwahahahahaha, eat that straighty mcwhiterson!"
though, all i really want to do is write enough about cher that eventually i'll get to interview her. mixed feeling eh? whatevs. as usual i'm indifferent. surprised? where's my fucking kayak? i've waited long enough.
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