Dissertation Help

Dec 03, 2008 11:56

Hi everyone,

I’m currently studying for an MA in International Public Relations. Lucky me, I have been allowed to write my dissertation on the Doctor Who franchise, and more specifically, on the branding of the show. Obviously I’m going to need to do loads of research for this. Which is where you lovely people come in :)

First off, if anyone has any links to articles that they think would be useful, could you post them here? Especially about big events, e.g. David Tennant being announced as the new Doctor. Or Billie Piper coming back. Best of all, stories relating the to run up to the launch of the new show, and Torchwood, and Sarah-Jane. Oh and thinking about it, any books that you might have read about the show, either Crit. or otherwise. I'll look into gettting them as well.

Second, if anyone has ever managed to get interviews with ANYONE involved in the show, if you could just give me some idea how, that’d be amazing. Also, people you think might be useful to talk to. Although, apparently my supervisor does have some links with BBC and might be able to help there.

Finally, and perhaps more interesting for you is that one part, hopefully a big part (because my first love is fandom), is about the fan’s relationship to the show. Anyone who feels that they are a big fan, and that they have opinions on the show and its branding, especially regarding how they feel they’re treated be the BBC, and wouldn’t mind being interviewed by me, if you could just let me know. One of the aspects I pretty sure I’ll be covering is information release and fan involvement.

Any and all help is LOVED. Clearly if there is any interest in reading the final product, then I’m that’ll be dandy with me.

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