Mar 31, 2005 22:20
never in a million years did I expect him to call me the way he did today. HA!
talked to benjamin...he hung up on me 2 times. I'm surprised he was able to call back each time. Had to make a bathroom break inbetween each time so it was alright. He makes me laugh. We might have a possible date for them to come home. August 25th. Ah. I can't wait! Not sure how long he'll be suck down in debriefing in NC but as soon as they get those 72 or 96 hours he's driving as fast as he possibly can back up to PA. We all know how happy I will be. :) I think i can deal with him not getting htat last months pay of 1000 tax free if i can see him that much sooner.
Beyond that, did do a darn thing today. Worked, was hyped up on coffee which always makes it fun. I absolutely love working with the guys. Maybe not so much cory but the rest of them are fun. We realized today that its in our bender genes to work in a male dominated profession. Mom went out to dinner last night, she was the only female among 7 other guys. Penndot is male dominated in the areas she is in. Elyssa, of course an all guy field. But she loves it. And with ministry, I really am surrounded by more males than females actually in ministry. And working as a stocker, I'm always surrounded by guys. Its great though! Makes ya tough. And who could forget all those years dealing with the football players. I know how to handle myself around a bunch of guys. I told that to Ben today too (but i highly doubt hell remember). He doesnt have to worry about me being alone in j-ville. Yes, Ill be surrounded by loads of Marines but I can handle myself.
yawn, well I'm getting really tired so im off to bed. I LOVE being an early night person. Why would anyone want to stay up late and then sleep in late. Not me! I would rather just go to bed early and get up early. Early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. :) I dont waste my days sleeping.
Last thought: Although i am deeply saddened for the good, concerned catholics of the world who actually know that the Pope is deathly ill, take this with the utmost attention to sarcasm being the language of the devil, Please Mr. Pope just die already. You have lived your life faithfully to the will and devotion of God. Vatican City, as of the last time I saw it, was doing marvelously and you have kept it clean. But now it is time for a new Southern Brother to come in and rereform the catholic church. I am excited to see the whole Cardinal/White-Black Smoke/Sistine Chapel thing play out. Go Home Pope John Paul the 2nd. You've reigned over the Catholic Church much longer than most popes before you. Let have a Pope Juanes or some South American Cardinal run the church since Catholicism is strong down there. Let's see a Vatican 3 and maybe they'll allow women to become cardinals and what nevermind. That's too radical for the Catholic church...we need to wait 100 more years for htat. But if they're displaying dead popes in St. Peters, I think we can start to move beyond this patricentered thinking. This is my thought on the Catholic Church and the Pope at this time. Pope, just be glad your not dying the way Peter died. :)