Anglican goings-on (to borrow a phrase)

Jun 24, 2008 09:52

GAFCON (Global Anglican Futures Conference) started this week and GadgetVicar is blogging from Jerusalem. Meanwhile Ruth Gledhill points out that a rival event produces an interesting culture clash: GAFCON versus Gay Pride.

Rev. Ruth has an interesting alternative to the idea of an Anglican Covenant and +Brian has put his pre-Lambeth thoughts on the all new, shiny Dioscese of Edinburgh website.

Also, while not Anglican as such, I'm sure Allan Brown's opinions on clergy blogging will be of interest to the owners of several pisky blogs:

God Save Us From Blogging Vicars

"We don’t really do trendy vicars here: once they see the modern Scotland they’re expected to embrace, 1st-century Galilee under the Romans suddenly seems freshly appealing."

bloggers, news, church

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