"When all the little ants are marching..."

Jul 25, 2002 10:48

Oh man. I've had the morning from hell. Yesterday I got nothing done at work because I wasn't feeling to hot...well, basically I had to fast all day for lab work to be done that afternoon so I couldn't have my coffee which made my entire day slow and bleech. And then because I've grown accustom to eating this summer my blood sugar dropped and I felt like crap (it sucks, because at school last year I wouldn't eat for the first time in a day until after 4pm and I was fine, so now I have to retrain myself for that). Anyway, because I got so little done I was like, "Tonight I'm going to sleep before 1am, and I'll get up and get to work earlier, and get working."

Well, before moving on, I forgot to put my clothes in the dryer last night so they would be ready this morning. But that's okay, because it wouldn't have put me too far behind. So at first I wake up at 6 but go back to sleep. The next time I wake up it is right before my alarm and I lay back down until I hear it go off. But I felt weird, like, it wasn't the right time. So when it goes off I look up and it says 8:10!! Not 7:30! I forgot I reset the alarm yesterday for some stupid reason. I'm like "SHIT!" and fly out of bed to put the clothes in the dryer. NOW it's a big deal because I'm already 40 minutes behind. So since I have to wait for them to dry, I go curl my hair which took much longer than it should have (and the damn curl fell out and hair puffed up with the humidity in like 10 minutes anyway). Best thing, about 10 minutes after I got up the cramps hit. Really bad cramps so I'm running around practically doubled over like, "where the HELL did these come from???" About 20 minutes after that period hit. Perfect. And since I had such horrible pms last month (like, severly scary pms where I literally go psycho) and my cramps are light when that happens, my cramps are/are going to be horrible this month.

So I go make my lunch, which I stumbled through because I couldn't find what I was looking for. Finally my clothes are dry and I throw them on, but I kept remembering little things I need to do that pushed back my leaving the house. Then I remember I have no cash and if I want to get my car out of parking this afternoon I'll have to have some. So I speed to the bank deposit money I had, and then tried to get out $20. It says, "you have insufficient funds to make withdrawl." GREAT! So I park like a manic, run inside the bank (meanwhile leaving my door unlocked and all my stuff in the car, smart move) have to wait in line because it is federal law that you cannot have more than two tellers open at one time even though there are thirty windows. Until I flag down one of the higher up guys and get him to help me, cut to like 15 minutes later I have my $20 and I get on my way.

Of course it's much later and the drive SHOULD have been faster because it's after rush hour, but I always get behind the slowest people on the east coast when I need to get places. Yeah, so I'm going to need to stay later today to work on this stuff. Because I need to be done with this file room by the end of next week so I can leave. Grrr.

Periods suck. Period.

So interesting radio gossip this morning on DC101 (my station!). This really isn't funny even though it is SOOO funny because I love Angelina and she should be happy. But apparently it's come out now that Billy Bob was a freak in bed and it got too weird for her. So she sent him to a sex therapist and he banged the therapist. How much does that suck?

And, I'm sorry Dani, but looks like Affleck and J.Lo are really going out. This is also really funny, can you imagine the pair? It's just funny. So anyway they were all cuddly at J.Lo's birthday party and he gave her a Harry Winston yellow and white diamond bracelet. I'm with Diane on this one, you don't give that kind of thing to someone you're just friends with.

I can't think of anything funny to balance out the begining of this. Oh well. I'm not in a bad mood really, which is odd for my having this kind of morning. Maybe because it's gloomy and raining. I love this weather. I just wish I had a window instead of being in this dungeon.
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