I think that is my new favorite movie line.
A Beautiful Mind was nothing short of amazing. It was soooo good, I absolutely loved it. I'm so impressed with everyone who was involved in this film. I knew Russell Crowe was jipped at the Oscars, I didn't know that he was bent over and screwed really hard. His performance was amazing. Like I want to go steal the Oscar from Denzel and give it to it's rightful owner. And it had a good ending. I love true movies with a good ending. [What I had written here before I was a lot more eloquent (and longer) than this. Damnit.]
As for the other "true" movie I rented, The Mothman Prophecies, it was okay. It would have been really good but it didn't really have an ending to me. And those little blurbs at the end didn't cut it. Well, first, I wanted to see it partly because people were like, "It scared the hell out of me." It wasn't scary. Some parts were freaky but that was about it. The ending scared the bejesus out of me for a completely different reason...
If you have seen it then you know the Silver Bridge collapses into the Ohio River at the end. This is like the living embodiment of so many of my nightmares. I can't tell you have many times I've dreamed of being in a car on a bridge that collapses or the car goes over the edge. So that part totally freaked me out. Then the blurb at the end said, "No one knows why the Silver Bridge Collapsed into the Ohio River." I was like, "Oooookay."
So I asked my mom if it really happend, but she didn't know, but she did happen to be on the phone with my grandfather who has lived in Cincinatti for I don't know how long (at minimum the '30s or '40s since my dad grew up there) he said he doesn't recall anything like that happening.
That placated me for a minute before I was like "But why would they lie about something that big?" I know there is a lot of distortion in movies "based on a true story" I wrote a long-ass paper on it last semester. But usually not about something that big. It's correlation to the film I could see, but not the event itself. So when I came into work this morning I did some research and found that it did happen, in 1967. Totally freaky story:
http://www.thebridgeproject.com/project/silverbridgedisaster/silverbridge.htmlhttp://www.geocities.com/silver_bridge1967/Silver_Bridge.htmlhttp://filebox.vt.edu/users/aschaeff/silver/silver.htmlhttp://www.moth-man.com/photomap/07.html It's a sad sign of the times when you're like, "Only 46 people died. I thought it would have been worse." Don't you long for the days when that kind of death toll was a "national disaster?" Now 46 people die in a flood and we're like, "Okay, then. That sucks."
And, obviously they did know what caused it to collapse so I don't know why the felt the need to lie at the end of the movie. So that and the fact that the movie just ended with no resolution bothered me. The only other blurb, "The Mothman has never been seen in Point Pleasant again." Doesn't really work for me. I have a million questions that I want answered so I'm wondering if they could have ended it better than that.
*****END SPOILERS*****
I want to read the book now to see if it could have ended better. But fix that and make it scarier and it's a good movie.
I want to add to and rewrite my "Falsification of movies 'based on a true story'" paper. See if I can make it better.
I'm so blah today. I've been slow and tired and I have a headache. I haven't actually done anything and it's 3:22 though it feels like 10:30 to me.
So apparently today is haiku day, so here is my work haiku:
Work sucks like Bush does.
Want to be at home in bed.
I'm not getting paid.
It was Sony's man that started the haikus. He wrote some on Ray Carruth so I asked for some on Mystikal and this is what he sent back:
Steal my money bitch?
You will fuck me AND my crew
Got it all on tape
Hahahahaha, Oh god.
Bush Says Economy Is Strong How?? The Dow slid all last week, it fell over 400 points on Friday alone, it has been sliding all day today. At which point is the economy going to become a serious problem? I know the answer. When it hits the filthy, corporate whore in thier purses. Until then it's fine to fuck over the rest of us who don't have money and are losing what we do have. I swear Bush sounds like Homer in that episode of The Simpsons where Lisa becomes a vegetarian and steals the roast pig. And no matter what happend to it Homer would yell, "It's still good! It's still good!" God forbid if Bart has to say, "It's gone."
I haven't watched Momento yet but it is a week long rental so we have that until Sunday so I'll watch it as soon as I can. I had to squeeze in the other two movies yesterday because I slept later than I intended.
Ugh, I don't want to go back to work.
Lunch time almost done.
Don't want to get back to work.
Still not getting paid.