Aug 09, 2006 09:52
karla now has a new addition.. emperor lemmy 3rd. i want a puppy!!! i shall visit him asap and give him lots of cuddles :-)
anyhooo, my 2 weeks in tinny were good. was weird staying with mum and dad again and as much as i love them... i am sooooo glad i have my own place.
so, what happened on holiday?? nothing of great excitement really. the place is as beautiful as ever but somewhat quiet compared to the old days.
traumatic events included:
- mummy being stung by a wasp on her neck. this was bad since last time mum was stung it turned in to cellulitis and she ended up in hospital for a week or so. this time she took another bad skin reaction and her poor neck and chest were all swollen and red :-( she got antiobiotics and cream from the doc and it has somewhat settled but they may come back early if it doesn;t improve
- not having mobile reception or internet access
- almost being killed in a Hubba's little RIB/ fast-ish boat thing. ok, i wasn;t nearly killed, but due to the amount of alcohol consumed one could possibly have been invovled in an accident. haha, am so sensible
- being so hungover one day i thought i would die
- not having my car with me
- digital camera not working
- missing my cats
- missing too much of big brother
- dogs having the shits for a week solid and messing the house, ick
good events included:
- consuming large amounts of wonderful food
- buying lots of pretty things from the lavender farm shop
- spending time with keith
- spending quality time with mum, dad, dave and emma
- befriending Harry
- kissing a hippy from a commune with smelly dreadlocks, haha
- getting a new hair do, all uma thurman from pulp fiction
- playing in hubba's boat and getting to go to a pub via a boat. the event only seemed traumatic afterwards
- sunabthing beside the sea
- drinking in the kames
- sitting on the beach at 8am after an all-nighter, soooo pretty
- kissing someone i shouldn't have
- looking for toads
- singing about foreskin/boleskin house
- having dinner with jane and barry
- giggling like kids with my big brother
- having people buy me my drinks, haha
- watching my dad piss himself at jackass
- listening to the waves at bedtime
- watching an electric storm over the Kyles
um, i think that was mainly it.
anyhooo, due to the traumatic event of the digital camera not working i have ordered a new one. it is due to be delivered by 1pm and i have been awake for bloody hours coz i am all excited, haha. how sad!
the blinds man will be coming to measure my windows inbewteen 12 and 5. hmm.
how does one make time go faster?